A new method for safety helmet detection based on convolutional neural network
Analysis of factors affecting crash under risk scenarios based on driver homogenous clustering
Anxiety levels among school-going adolescents in peri-urban areas of Karachi, Pakistan
Association of urinary sex hormones with mood and behavior changes in a community adolescent cohort
Camera footage and identification testimony undermine the availability of exculpatory alibi evidence
Development and validation of the Economic Coercion Scale-20 (ECS-20): a short-form of the ECS-36
Extended theory of planned behavior to explain the influence mechanism of low-speed driving behavior
Fear of falling: scoping review and topic analysis using natural language processing
How marital events explain the suicide rate among Chinese
Impact of workplace bullying on work engagement among early career employees
Influence of the built environment on taxi travel demand based on the optimal spatial analysis unit
Strategic coastal dike shape for enhanced tsunami overflow reduction
Subsurface fracturing of sedimentary stones caused by bullet impacts
Time-motion analysis in men's breaking: a longitudinal study
Torture survivors' experiences of receiving surgical treatment indicating re- traumatization