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Safety science

Journal Volume: 47
Journal Issue: 10
Journal Year: 2009
Articles in SafetyLit: 18

Age and lost working days as a result of an occupational accident: A study in a shiftwork rotation system

Can level of safety climate predict level of orientation toward safety in a decision making task?

Cascade-based attack vulnerability on the US power grid

Drowsy drivers: The effect of light and circadian rhythm on crash occurrence

Evaluation of two models of a slipmeter

Human walks carefully when the ground dynamic coefficient of friction drops below 0.41

Measurement of machinery safety level in the European market: A real case based on market surveillance data

Measurement of machinery safety level: European framework for product control : : Particular case: Spanish framework for market surveillance

Measurement techniques for organizational safety causal models: Characterization and suggestions for enhancements

Modeling perceived collision risk in port water navigation

Occupational health and safety in the framework of corporate social responsibility

Pilot sample risk analysis for underground coal mine fires and explosions using MSHA citation data

Risk assessment tools incorporating human error probabilities in the Japanese small-sized establishment

Safety analysis of slipping barefoot on marble covered wet areas

The effect of aviation safety education on passenger cabin safety awareness

The safety policies and practices of community multi-purpose recreation facilities

What is most important for safety climate: The company belonging or the local working environment? – A study from the Norwegian offshore industry

What-You-Look-For-Is-What-You-Find – The consequences of underlying accident models in eight accident investigation manuals