Incorporating unstructured socializing into the study of secondary exposure to community violence: etiological and empirical implications
Individual versus individual and group therapy regarding a cognitive-behavioral treatment for battered women in a community setting
Interparental conflict, parenting behavior, and children's friendship quality as correlates of peer aggression and peer victimization among aggressor/victim subgroups in South Korea
Motivational and cognitive predictors of the propensity to intervene against intimate partner violence
Perceived teacher unfairness, instrumental goals, and bullying behavior in early adolescence
Pre-pregnancy dating violence and birth outcomes among adolescent mothers in a national sample
Public knowledge and use of sexual offender internet registries: results from a random digit dialing telephone survey
The role of rumination in elevating perceived stress in posttraumatic stress disorder
Women's decisions to not seek formal help for partner violence: a comparison of intimate terrorism and situational couple violence