An empirical evaluation of the U.S. Beer Institute's self-regulation code governing the content of beer advertising
Bridging the gap between implementation science and parenting intervention
Cycle track safety remains unproven
Gender-equitable attitudes, bystander behavior, and recent abuse perpetration against heterosexual dating partners of male high school athletes
Grassroots movement building and preemption in the campaign for residential fire sprinklers
Health and safety of child care centers: an analysis of licensing specialists' reports of routine, unannounced inspections
Health disparities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults: results from a population-based study
Lusk et al. Respond
Peer victimization and sexual risk differences between lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning and heterosexual youths in grades 7-12
Prevalence of gender identity disorder and suicide risk among transgender veterans utilizing Veterans Health Administration care
Risk of fatal injury in young children following abuse allegations: Evidence from a prospective, population-based study
The impact of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse on contraceptive method selection and discontinuation