Adverse childhood experiences and subsequent chronic diseases among middle-aged or older adults in china and associations with demographic and socioeconomic characteristics
Analysis of suicide after cancer diagnosis by US county-level income and rural vs urban designation, 2000-2016
Assessment of rural-urban and geospatial differences in perceived handgun access and reported suicidality among youth in Colorado
Characterization of rookie season injury and illness and career longevity among National Basketball Association players
Evaluation of the recovery engagement and coordination for health-veterans enhanced treatment suicide risk modeling clinical program in the Veterans Health Administration [USA]
Our limited knowledge of youth suicide risk and firearm access
Risk of self-harm in children and adults with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Temporal trends in suicide attempts among children in the decade before and during the COVID-19 pndemic in Paris, France
The association of suicidal ideation with firearm purchasing during a firearm purchasing surge
Trends in and Characteristics of Buprenorphine Misuse Among Adults in the US