Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT)
Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a rapid review examining evidence of physical effects and consumer attitudes
Economic impact of early intervention in psychosis services: results from a longitudinal retrospective controlled study in England
Experiences and explanations of mental ill health in a group of devout Christians from the ethnic majority population in secular Sweden: a qualitative study
Experiences of violence across life course and its effects on mobility among participants in the International Mobility in Aging Study
Factors associated with the difficulty in hospital acceptance at the scene by emergency medical service personnel: a population-based study in Osaka City, Japan
Predictors of severe psychological distress trajectory after nuclear disaster: evidence from the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Psychotropic drug use and alcohol consumption among older adults in Germany: results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults 2008-2011