Demographics and clinical characteristics of carbon monoxide poisoning for patients attending in the emergency department at a tertiary hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Early colonic-preparation and salvage laparoscopic appendectomy (ECSLA)- innovative protocol for the management of magnets ingestion
Guanfacine poisoning resulting in transient ST-segment elevation: a case report
Incidence and outcome of laryngeal edema and rhabdomyolysis after ingestion of black rock
Physicians' experiences with reporting domestic violence against women: a cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia
Prediction of the future number of fall-related emergency medical services calls in older individuals
The leading role of expert safety knowledge in supporting the mission of caring for patients during man-made and natural disasters: state of emergency medicine in Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Ukraine
The PIRATE mnemonic: providing a structured approach in the care for intoxicated patients at the emergency department
Treatment strategy for compartment syndrome at multiple regions due to injuries caused by a tree fall: a case report
Violence in the emergency department: a quantitative survey study of healthcare providers in India