Does turning trauma patients with an unstable spinal injury from the supine to a lateral position increase the risk of neurological deterioration? - A systematic review
Incidence of depression, anxiety and stress following traumatic injury: a longitudinal study
Major incident in Kent: a case report
Maxillofacial fractures and craniocerebral injuries - stress propagation from face to neurocranium in a finite element analysis
Prehospital response model and time to CT scan in blunt trauma patients; an exploratory analysis of data from the head injury retrieval trial
Retrospective evaluation of prehospital triage, presentation, interventions and outcome in paediatric drowning managed by a physician staffed helicopter emergency medical service
Short-term outcome and differences between rural and urban trauma patients treated by mobile intensive care units in Northern Finland: a retrospective analysis
The Libyan civil conflict: selected case series of orthopaedic trauma managed in Malta in 2014
The off-hour effect on trauma patients requiring subspecialty intervention at a community hospital in Japan: a retrospective cohort study
The risk of pediatric bicycle handlebar injury compared with non-handlebar injury: a retrospective multicenter study in Osaka, Japan
Why and when citizens call for emergency help: an observational study of 211,193 medical emergency calls