A systematic review on gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: focus on suicidal and self-harming ideation and behaviours
Bridge symptoms between parenting styles and proximal psychological risk factors associated with adolescent suicidal thoughts: a network analysis
Callous-unemotional traits and externalizing problem behaviors in left-behind preschool children: the role of emotional lability/negativity and positive teacher-child relationship
Child maltreatment exposure and adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury: the mediating roles of difficulty in emotion regulation and depressive symptoms
Clinical characteristics of child and adolescent psychiatric outpatients engaging in fireplay or arson: a case-control study
Cognitive and affective control for adolescents in care versus their peers: implications for mental health
Deficits in psychological resilience and problem-solving ability in adolescents with suicidal ideation
Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents
Developmental pathways of repetitive non-suicidal self-injury: predictors in adolescence and psychological outcomes in young adulthood
Differences between problematic internet and smartphone use and their psychological risk factors in boys and girls: a network analysis
Evaluation of an information booklet for adolescents on depression: evidence from a randomized controlled study
Exploring associations of adverse childhood experiences with patterns of 11 health risk behaviors in Chinese adolescents: focus on gender differences
Frequency of antidepressant use and clinical characteristics of children and adolescents undergoing polysomnography: an observational study
Latent profiles of childhood psychological maltreatment and their links to adult mental health in China and the UK
Longitudinal association between interparental conflict and risk-taking behavior among Chinese adolescents: testing a moderated mediation model
Maternal adverse childhood experiences and health-related quality of life in preschool children: a cross-sectional study
Mental health of South Korean adolescents in the COVID-19 Era: web-based survey focused on suicide-related factors
Mother-child interactions in adolescents with borderline personality disorder traits and the impact of early life maltreatment
Outpatient screening for anxiety and depression symptoms in adolescents with type 1 diabetes - a cross-sectional survey
Parental stress and physical violence against children during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a population-based survey in Germany
Psychometric properties of the Trauma Checklist 2.0 and its predictive utility of felony re-offending among high-risk juvenile offenders
Receiving a gift and feeling robbed: a phenomenological study on parents' experiences of brief admissions for teenagers who self-harm at risk for suicide
Reciprocal associations between early maladaptive schemas and depression in adolescence: long-term effects of childhood abuse and neglect
Resilience trajectories and links with childhood maltreatment in adolescence: a latent growth modeling approach
Risk and protective factors associated with mental health status in an Italian sample of students during the fourth wave of COVID-19 pandemic
Social media use of adolescents who died by suicide: lessons from a psychological autopsy study
Specific interpretation biases as a function of social anxiety and callous-unemotional traits in a community and a clinical adolescent sample
Suicidal behaviours and their correlates in school-going Lebanese adolescents: findings from a national survey
The aftermath of war; mental health, substance use and their correlates with social support and resilience among adolescents in a post-conflict region of Sri Lanka
The impact of COVID-19 and bushfires on the mental health of Australian adolescents: a cross-sectional study
The psychosocial consequences of Covid-19 in adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury
Trajectories of children and adolescents attending a psychiatric emergency unit during the COVID-19 confinements: 2020-2022 longitudinal study