A population-based study of the prevalence and correlates of self-harm in juvenile detention
Can emotional and behavioral dysregulation in youth be decoded from functional neuroimaging?
Comparative study of injury models for studying muscle regeneration in mice
Emoticon-based ambivalent expression: a hidden indicator for unusual behaviors in Weibo
Household factors associated with self-harm in Johannesburg, South African urban-poor households
Modeling verdict outcomes using social network measures: the Watergate and Caviar network cases
Mortality in children aged 0-9 years: a nationwide cohort study from three Nordic countries
Negativity bias in dangerous drivers
Platoon interactions and real-world traffic simulation and validation based on the LWR-IM
Postural Control in Dual-Task Situations: Does Whole-Body Fatigue Matter?
Quantifying access disparities in response plans
The development and validation of the Indian Family Violence and Control Scale
The impact of menstrual cycle phase on economic choice and rationality
The Mexican cycle of suicide: a national analysis of seasonality, 2000-2013