Creating comprehensive children's mental health indicators for British Columbia
Factors associated with childhood depression in Saskatoon students: A multilevel analysis
Generativity as a positive mental health outcome: The long-term impacts of Better Beginnings, Better Futures on youth at ages 18-19
Implementing an evidence-based parent-child mental health program in a high-risk community
Paternal work stress and the mental health of fathers and children: A role for urban and rural migration patterns
Predicting implementation success of an evidence-based program to promote healthy relationships among students two to eight years after teacher training
The mediating effects of empowerment, interpersonal conflict, and social support on the violence-PTSD process among single mothers
To what extent can adolescent suicide attempts be attributed to violence exposure? A population-based study from western Canada
Using community-level mental health surveillance data to examine the relationship of depression prevalence to social determinants of health and access to mental health services