Analyzing access to health facilities by road using unconventional data sources
Assessing and comparing data imputation techniques for item nonresponse in household travel surveys
Crash modification functions for rural skewed intersections
Deep learning approach for detecting lane change maneuvers using SHRP2 naturalistic driving data
Development and evaluation of performance measures for capacity utilization of traffic signals
Estimating average daily traffic on low-volume roadways in Louisiana
Evaluation of driving behavior and traffic safety at a shifting movements intersection
How should vehicle miles traveled displaced by e-scooter trips be calculated?
Improved practices for temporary work zone guide signs
Influence of demographic disparities on seat belt compliance in an urban area (Washington, DC)
Investigation of inlaid pavement marker performance and safety effectiveness
Lane-changing trajectory planning model for automated vehicles driving on a curved road
Learning-based model for evaluating the impact of neighborhood design on travel behavior
Measured effect of low-height solid safety barriers on heavy truck noise
Moving beyond the Vision Zero slogan
Patrol regimes for traffic officers in transportation asset monitoring
Reliability analysis of bridges for autonomous truck platoons
Resilience analysis of New York City Transportation Network after snow storms
Role of high-speed roads and vehicle ownership on traffic fatalities in India
Safety evaluation of freeway exit ramps with advisory speed reductions
Short-term safety performance functions for freeways including high occupancy vehicle lanes
Six decades of roadside encroachment modeling
Traffic event detection from consumer vehicle sensor data: an autonomous vehicle study