A developmental perspective on behavioral determinants
Baseball batters support an ecological efference mediation theory of natural event perception
Contrasting conceptions of perception and action
Dark vergence in human infants: implications for the development of binocular vision
Early spatial perception taken in reference to manual action
Efference, perceived movement, and illusory displacement
Inflow as a long-term calibrator of eye position in humans
Multiple sources of outflow in processing spatial information
Oculomotor tonus and visual adaptation
Perceptual aftereffects of sustained fixation and oculomotor changes
Properties of adaptive oculomotor control systems and perception
Relational invariance and visual space perception: on perceptual vector analysis of the optic flow
Saccadic exploration and perceptual-motor learning
Sensory and sensori-motor adaptations in strabismus: their role in space perception
Some recent studies on the quantitative analysis of efference copy mechanisms in visual perception
The constitution of space perception: a phenomenological perspective
The ecological approach to perceiving-acting: a pictorial essay
The subjective vertical as a function of visual and extraretinal cues