A neglected problem: kinetic size constancy
A visually-driven postural after-effect
Cognitive factors in subjective stabilization of the visual world
Detection and discrimination of moving gratings
Direction selectivity in human visual perception, investigated with low contrast gratings
Effects of vestibular and visual motion perception on task performance
Evidence for parallel processing in motion perception
Localization of brief visual stimuli during pursuit eye movements
Monoptic and dichoptic signals do not cooperate in the perception of a bistable motion display
On the relativity of perceived motion
On the spatio-temporal determinants of some motion effects
Optical information for detecting loss in one's own forward speed
Perceived relative depth from velocity gradients: a model
Psychophysical properties of displacement thresholds for moving targets
Saccadic programming and perceived location
The information basis in the perception of velocity
The perceptual coherence of moving visual patterns
The spatial and temporal organisation of motion perception units in human vision
Vernier acuity and stereopsis with discontinuously moving stimuli
Visual control during straight road driving
Visual motion cues in prismatic adaptation: evidence of two separate and additive processes