A behavioural approach to work motivation
A problem-oriented, interdisciplinary approach to safety problems
A statistical study of control systems and accidents at work
A tentative conceptual analysis of safety activity
Accident analysis, biomechanics, and tribology for slipping and falling injury prevention
Accident models: How underlying differences affect workplace safety
Accidental falls at work, in the home and during leisure activities
Accidents and variance control
Accidents involving falls from roofs -- Survey and technical preventive measures
Accidents, and disturbances in the flow of information
Advantages and limitations of various methods used to study occupational fall accident patterns
Alcohol and fatal work accidents
Application of human error analysis to occupational accident research
Behavioural control through piece-rate wages
Descriptive epidemiology in job injury surveillance
Developing routines in efforts to prevent occupational accidents: An accident investigation group
Epidemiology of occupational accidents
Estimation of potential seriousness of accidents and near-accidents
Experience of implementing safety information and management systems in industrial companies
Future trends in accident research in European countries
Hand injuries in Sweden in 1980
Hazards in stationary grinding machines
How to use the information system on occupational injuries (ISA) in research
Human aspects of safety in offshore maintenance
Identification of accident risks in maintenance
Injury information systems for management
Is safety training worthwhile?
Occupational accident data and safety research in Finland
Occupational accident research and systems approach
Occupational accident research: Where have we been and where are we going?
Potentials and limitations of risk and safety analysis -- Experience with the SCRATCH program
Practical utilization of safety analysis results
Psychological safety diagnosis
Research in fall protection at Ontario Hydro
Safety considerations in the design of factories -- A study of three cases
Serious occupational injuries with special regard to the lack of risk control
Setting priorities for occupational health and safety research
Software safety in microprocessor-based machinery
Some aspects on mechanical testing of fall safety devices
Ten years experience of accident registration
The accident model applied to back injuries
The analysis of injuries amongst workers in a hospital for chronic patients
The role of deviations in accident causation and control
The worker as a safety resource in modern production systems
Use of case reports from work accidents
Use of census data combined with occupational accident data
Validity and utility of experimental research on severe work vehicle accidents