A health-system-embedded deprescribing intervention targeting patients and providers to prevent falls in older adults (STOP-FALLS trial): study protocol for a pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled trial
Child Adult Relationship Enhancement in Primary Care (PriCARE): study design/protocol for a randomized trial of a primary care-based group parenting intervention to prevent child maltreatment
Correction: Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial
Effectiveness of an evidence-based care pathway to improve mobility and participation in older patients with vertigo and balance disorders in primary care (MobilE-PHY2): study protocol for a multicentre cluster-randomised controlled trial
Examining the impact of a universal social and emotional learning intervention (Passport) on internalising symptoms and other outcomes among children, compared to the usual school curriculum: study protocol for a school-based cluster randomised trial
Implementation and evaluation of a multi-level mental health promotion intervention for the workplace (MENTUPP): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Lisbon Intensive Falls Trampoline Training (LIFTT) program for people with Parkinson's for balance, gait, and falls: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Metabolomics-based Sleepiness Markers for Risk Prevention and Traffic Safety (ME-SMART): a monocentric, controlled, randomized, crossover trial
Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial
New ways to cope with depression-study protocol for a randomized controlled mixed methods trial of bouldering psychotherapy (BPT) and mental model therapy (MMT)
Predicting attrition of men with a history of violence from randomised clinical trials
Reducing Stress after Trauma (ReSeT): study protocol for a randomized, controlled trial of an online psychoeducational program and video therapy sessions for children hospitalized after trauma
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of RealConsent2.0: a web-based intervention to promote prosocial alcohol-involved bystander behavior in young men
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a group domestic abuse perpetrator programme: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Understanding context of violence against healthcare through citizen science and evaluating the effectiveness of a co-designed code of conduct and of a tailored de-escalation of violence training in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq: a study protocol for a stepped wedge randomized controlled trial