A deprescribing medication program to evaluate falls in older adults: methods for a randomized pragmatic clinical trial
A randomised controlled trial investigating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Alpha-Stim AID cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) in patients seeking treatment for moderate severity depression in primary care (Alpha-Stim-D Trial)
A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of Parenting-STAIR in treating maternal PTSD to reduce maltreatment recidivism: protocol for the Safe Mothers, Safe Children study
An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project
Are realist randomised controlled trials possible? A reflection on the INCLUSIVE evaluation of a whole-school, bullying-prevention intervention
Collaborative community mental health and aged care services with peer support to prevent late-life depression: study protocol for a non-randomised controlled trial
Comparative effectiveness of in-person vs. remote delivery of the Common Elements Treatment Approach for addressing mental and behavioral health problems among adolescents and young adults in Zambia: protocol of a three-arm randomized controlled trial
Creating concise and readable patient information sheets for interventional studies in Australia: are we there yet?
DUDE - a universal prevention program for non-suicidal self-injurious behavior in adolescence based on effective emotion regulation: study protocol of a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Effect of adding a positive memories' module in a trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural treatment for female survivors of intimate partner violence: trial protocol
Effectiveness of a high-intensive trauma-focused, family-based therapy for youth exposed to family violence: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of an app-based intervention to reduce substance use, gambling, and digital media use in vocational school students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Effects of a smartphone app-augmented treatment for children with oppositional defiant disorder / conduct disorder and peer-related aggressive behavior - a pilot study
Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy on aggressive behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and emotion dysregulation: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Factors associated with reporting of the Prevention of Falls Network Europe (ProFaNE) core outcome set domains in randomized trials on falls in older people: a citation analysis and correlational study
Interdisciplinary intervention (GAIN) for adults with post-concussion symptoms: a study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial
Measuring the impact of a "Virtual Pediatric Trauma Center" (VPTC) model of care using telemedicine for acutely injured children versus the standard of care: study protocol for a prospective stepped-wedge trial
Protocol for a cluster randomized control trial of the impact of the Breaking the Man Code workshops on adolescent boys' intentions to seek help
Rehabilitation for children with chronic acquired brain injury in the Child in Context Intervention (CICI) study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
RObotic-Assisted Rehabilitation for balance and gait in Stroke patients (ROAR-S): study protocol for a preliminary randomized controlled trial
SHIFTPLAN: a randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of a multimodal shift-work intervention on drivers' fatigue, sleep, health, and performance parameters
Smartphone-assisted guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy for young people with distressing voices (SmartVoices): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Statistical analysis plan for the stepped wedge clinical trial Healing Right Way-enhancing rehabilitation services for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury
Study protocol for a cluster randomized trial of a school, family, and community intervention for preventing drug misuse among older adolescents in the Cherokee Nation
Study protocol for the Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: a regionally based randomised trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among secondary school students
Testing an attachment- and trauma-informed intervention approach for parents and young children after interparental violence: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
The BEACON study: an update to the protocol for a cohort study as part of an evaluation of the effectiveness of smartphone-assisted problem-solving therapy in men who present with intentional self-harm to emergency departments in Ontario
The effectiveness of a media-based intervention promoting help-seeking for mental health difficulties by Australian men: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial