A concept analysis of fear of falling in older adults: insights from qualitative research studies
A population study on factors associated with unintentional falls among Iranian older adults
Challenges and opportunity in mobility among older adults - key determinant identification
Exploration of related factors of suicide ideation in hospitalized older adults
Frailty as a predictor of adverse outcomes in burn patients: a systematic review
Hospitalization costs of injury in elderly population in China: a quantile regression analysis
Hypnotics and injuries among older adults with Parkinson's disease: a nested case-control design
New balance capability index as a screening tool for mild cognitive impairment
Patient-reported vision impairment in low luminance predicts multiple falls
Prevalence of frailty in Indonesia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Recruiting patients for falls prevention in the emergency department - worth the challenge
Study protocol for "In-vehicle sensors to detect changes in cognition of older drivers"