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BMC psychiatry

Journal Volume: 24
Journal Issue: 1
Journal Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 82

'Before, we ended up in conflicts, now we can provide support'-Experiences of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) for parents of young adults with hazardous substance use

A complex systems perspective on chronic aggression and self-injury: case study of a woman with mild intellectual disability and borderline personality disorder

A model for older adults' coping with the death of their child: a grounded theory study

Acute stress disorder and associated factors among adult trauma patients in Ethiopia: a multi-institutional study

Adverse childhood events and self-harming behaviours among individuals in Ontario forensic system: the mediating role of psychopathy

Are social pressure, bullying and low social support associated with depressive symptoms, self-harm and self-directed violence among adolescents? A cross-sectional study using a structural equation modeling approach

Association between anxiety, depression and quality of life in male and female German students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Association between childhood trauma and internet gaming disorder: a moderated mediation analysis with depression as a mediator and psychological resilience as a moderator

Association between negative life events through mental health and non-suicidal self-injury with young adults: evidence for sex moderate correlation

Association of childhood trauma, social support, cognition, and suicidality in females with bipolar disorder

Associations of vegetable and fruit intake, physical activity, and school bullying with depressive symptoms in secondary school students: the mediating role of internet addiction

Atypical brain structural connectivity and social cognition in childhood maltreatment and peer victimisation

Best practice for integrating digital interventions into clinical care for young people at risk of suicide: a Delphi study

Borderline personality traits mediate the relationship between negative life events and nonsuicidal self-injury in a clinical sample with youth depression

Brain structural alterations associated with impulsiveness in male violent patients with schizophrenia

Change in attitudes after a suicide prevention media campaign in the Mid-Norway region

Characteristics of suicide attempts in Northwestern Iran: a five-year population-based survey

Child abuse and pubertal timing: what is the role of child sex and identity of the perpetrator?

Childhood adversity and suicidal ideation in older Korean adults: unraveling the mediating mechanisms of mental health, physical health, and social relationships

Comorbidity of behavioral problems and parental acceptance-rejection in children diagnosed with chest discomfort, palpitations, vasovagal syncope, and underlying heart disease: a multiple case-control study

Comparing frequencies of adolescent suicide attempters pre- and during COVID-19 pandemic school terms

Comparing times of self-harm presentations to hospital emergency departments in children, adolescents, young adults and adults: a national registry study 2007-2019

Continuing the conversation: a cross-sectional study about the effects of work-related adverse events on the mental health of Dutch (resident) obstetrician-gynaecologists (ObGyns)

Correlation analysis and gender differences of cognitive function based on mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and suicidal tendency in patients with schizophrenia

De-escalating aggression in acute inpatient mental health settings: a behaviour change theory-informed, secondary qualitative analysis of staff and patient perspectives

Depression among inmates of Gandaki Province, Nepal: a cross-sectional study

Depression and posttraumatic stress disorder in adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury: comparisons of the psychological correlates and suicidal presentations across diagnostic subgroups

Depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and associated factors among adults, in the Eastern part of Ethiopia

Determinants of depressive and alcohol use disorders among female sex workers in Ethiopia: evidence from a national bio-behavioral survey, 2020

Developing a clinical decision support system software prototype that assists in the management of patients with self-harm in the emergency department: protocol of the PERMANENS project

Development and initial validation of the cannabis-related psychosis risk literacy scale (CPRL): a multinational psychometric study

Dual harm among patients attending a mental health unit in Uganda: a hospital based retrospective study

Evaluating the clinical utility of an easily applicable prediction model of suicide attempts, newly developed and validated with a general community sample of adults

Evaluation of dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents in routine clinical practice: a pre-post study

Examining the relationship between non-suicidal self-harm and suicidality within the past 12-months and gaming problems in Norwegian full-time students

Experiences of a digital health intervention for young people exposed to technology assisted sexual abuse: a qualitative study

Face-to-face bullying in and outside of schools and cyberbullying are associated with suicidality in Kenyan high school students: a public health issue

Factors associated with depression among war-affected population in Northeast, Ethiopia

Factors influencing stress and resilience among Egyptian medical students: a multi-centric cross-sectional study

Family intimacy and adaptability and non-suicidal self-injury: a mediation analysis

Fear of depression recurrence among individuals with remitted depression: a qualitative interview study

Gender-specific pathways in mental health crisis in adolescents, from consultation to (in)voluntary admission: a retrospective study

History of suicidal behavior and clozapine prescribing among people with schizophrenia in China: a cohort study

Interaction between HTR2A rs3125 and negative life events in suicide attempts among patients with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional study

Intergenerational effects of child maltreatment on adolescents' anxiety and depression in Ethiopia: the important mediating and moderating roles of current psychological distress

Interrater reliability of the violence risk assessment checklist for youth: a case vignette study

Investigation of peripheral inflammatory biomarkers in association with violence in schizophrenia

Measurement and stratification of nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents

Modeling the structural relationships between trauma exposure with substance use tendency, depression symptoms, and suicidal thoughts in individuals with earthquake trauma experience: the mediatory role of peritraumatic dissociation and experiential avoidance

Needs for mobile and internet-based psychological intervention in patients with self-injury and suicide-related behaviors: a qualitative systematic review

Peer victimization and non-suicidal self-injury among high school students: the mediating role of social anxiety, mobile phone addiction, and sex differences

Prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety and trauma-like symptoms in Chinese psychiatric patients during the fifth wave of COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong

Prevalence and predictors of school truancy among adolescents in Sierra Leone: evidence from the 2017 Global School-based Health Survey

Prevalence and risk factors for psychotic symptoms in young, first-episode and drug-naïve patients with major depressive disorder

Prevalence of depression and associated factors among community hosted internally displaced people of Tigray; during war and siege

Prevalence of suicide attempt and associations with deliberate self-harm, mental health problems, drug misuse and traumatic experiences - a cross sectional survey of the Norwegian population

Psychological resilience in the relationship between family function and illness uncertainty among family members of trauma patients in the intensive care unit

Psychometric properties of an Arabic translation of the long (12 items) and short (7 items) forms of the Violent Ideations Scale (VIS) in a non-clinical sample of adolescents

Real-world evidence from a retrospective study on suicide during depression: clinical characteristics, treatment patterns and disease burden

Resilience buffers the association between psychotic-like experiences and suicide risk: a prospective study from a non-clinical sample

Self-concept mediates the relationships between childhood traumatic experiences and adolescent depression in both clinical and community samples

Sex-differential cognitive performance on MCCB of youth with BD-II depression

Suicide and depressive symptoms possible correlates among a sample of Egyptian physicians: observational cross-sectional study (online survey)

The cost of illness and burden of suicide and suicide attempts in France

The effect of the Yara smartphone application on anxiety, sleep quality, and suicidal thoughts in patients with major depressive disorder in Iran: a randomized controlled trial

The impact of depressive and anxious symptoms on non-suicidal self-injury behavior in adolescents: a network analysis

The mediating effect of dysmorphic concern in the association between avoidant restrictive food intake disorder and suicidal ideation in adults

The mediating role of sleep problems and depressed mood between psychological abuse/neglect and suicidal ideation in adolescent childhood: a multicentred, large sample survey in Western China

The moderated-mediation role of risk perception and intolerance of uncertainty in the association between residual symptoms and psychological distress: a cross-sectional study after COVID-19 policy lifted in China

The patterns, trends and major risk factors of suicide among Indian adolescents - a scoping review

The relationship between childhood adversity and sleep quality among rural older adults in China: the mediating role of anxiety and negative coping

The relationship between childhood psychological abuse and depression in college students: a moderated mediation model

The relationship between cyberbullying perpetration/victimization and suicidal ideation in healthy young adults: the indirect effects of positive and negative psychotic experiences

The relationship between earthquake-induced post-traumatic stress disorder and breastfeeding attitude and behavior

The relationship between mental health and risky decision-making in children and adolescents: a scoping review

The use of social media after bereavement by suicide: results from a French online survey

U-shaped association between fasting blood glucose and suicide attempts in Chinese patients with first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder

Victimisation in the life of persons with severe mental illness in Uganda: a pluralistic qualitative study

Women in acute forensic psychiatric care: comparison of clinical, sociodemographic, and detention-related characteristics in pretrial detention, sentence execution, and court-ordered treatment

Women's experiences of attempted suicide in the perinatal period (ASPEN-study) - a qualitative study

Working with suicidal mothers during the perinatal period: a reflexive thematic analysis study with mental health professionals

Workplace violence and depressive symptoms: the mediating role of fear of future workplace violence and burnout among Chinese nurses