Absconding among admitted patients with bipolar affective disorder diagnosis in Uganda
Association between albumin and depression: a population-based study
Community violence in neighborhoods and common mental disorders among Brazilian adolescents
Consultations for refractory cases in mental health services: a descriptive study
Correction: Time trends and geographical patterns in suicide among Greenland Inuit
Descriptive analysis of depression among adolescents in Huangshi, China
Determinants of clinical outcome and length of stay in acute care forensic psychiatry units
Early maladaptive schemas are associated with self-injury thoughts and behavior in adolescents
Electroretinography and suicidal behaviors: a systematic review
Esketamine versus placebo on time to remission in major depressive disorder with acute suicidality
Exploring the role of religion in the recovery experiences of suicide attempt survivors in Ghana
Factors associated with suicide in people who use drugs: a scoping review
Impact of childhood maltreatment on adult resilience
Instability of emotional relationships and suicide among youth: a qualitative study
Measurement of work-related psychological injury with depressive symptoms
Neural responses to social decision-making in suicide attempters with mental disorders
Parents' self-reporting of child physical maltreatment (CPM) in a low-middle-income country
Prevalence and related risks of cyberbullying and its effects on adolescent
Protective factors against suicide attempt in Iranian Kurdish women: a qualitative content analysis
Psychosocial factors of insomnia in depression: a network approach
Sleep characteristics and inflammatory markers in women with post-traumatic stress disorder
Sleep deprivation and suicide risk among minoritized US adolescents
Spanish media coverage of youth mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic
Suicidal ideation in men during COVID-19: an examination of protective factors
Suicide risk among veterans using VHA justice-involved services: a latent class analysis
The association between abused adults and substance abuse in Taiwan, 2000-2015
The relationship between bullying, learning disorders and psychiatric comorbidity
The relationship between rurality, travel time to care and death by suicide
Unintentional injury and its associated factors among left-behind children: a cross-sectional study