A case study of suicidality presenting as a restricted interest in autism Spectrum disorder
A pragmatic randomised trial of two counselling models at the Swedish National Alcohol Helpline
Analysis of the emotional experiences of Japanese Alcoholics Anonymous members striving for sobriety
Antidepressants for depression after concussion and traumatic brain injury are still best practice
Are volunteering and caregiving associated with suicide risk? A Census-based longitudinal study
Association between benzodiazepines and suicide risk: a matched case-control study
Associations between childhood maltreatment and adult depression: a mediation analysis
Crimes by people with schizophrenia in Korea: comparison with the general population
Identifying alcohol problems among suicide attempters visiting the emergency department
Post traumatic stress disorder and coping strategies among adult survivors of earthquake, Nepal
Research on the pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of suicide: practical and ethical issues
Sense it and use it: interoceptive accuracy and sensibility in suicide ideators
Suicidal ideation among the hypertensive individuals in Shandong, China: a path analysis
Suicidal risk and executive functions in major depressive disorder: a study protocol
Suicide attempts among activated soldiers in the U.S. Army reserve components
The impact of the Paris terrorist attacks on the mental health of resident physicians