Effectiveness of intervention measures before an MPU. A comparison between professional groups (traffic psychologists, addiction counselors and others)
Effectiveness of intervention measures before an MPU. A comparison between professional groups (traffic psychologists, addiction counselors and others) ;; Wirksamkeit von Interventionsmaßnahmen vor einer MPU. Ein Vergleich zwischen Berufsgruppen (Verkehrspsychologen, Suchtberater und Sonstige)
Totally woozy? A case report on inhalation of alcohol
Totally woozy? A case report on inhalation of alcohol ;; Total benebelt? Ein Fallbericht zur Inhalation von Alkohol
Update of the guidelines for the determination of the blood alcohol concentration (BAK) for forensic purposes - BAK guidelines
Updated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) guidelines for forensic use - BAC guidelines ;; Aktualisierung der Richtlinien zur Bestimmung der Blutalkoholkonzentration (BAK) für forensische Zwecke - BAK Richtlinien