"Before I was like a Tarzan. But now, I take a pause": mixed methods feasibility study of the Naungan Kasih parenting program to prevent violence against children in Malaysia
"COVID gave him an opportunity to tighten the reins around my throat": perceptions of COVID-19 movement restrictions among survivors of intimate partner violence
"One community at a time": promoting community resilience in the face of natural hazards and public health challenges
"She gives it to her child who doesn't even talk": a qualitative exploration of alcohol and drug use among primary school-age children in Uganda
"The pandemic only gave visibility to what is invisible": a qualitative analysis of structural violence during COVID-19 and impacts on gender-based violence in Brazil
"When you leave your country, this is what you're in for": experiences of structural, legal, and gender-based violence among asylum-seeking women at the Mexico-U.S. border
'Bending' against straightening devices: queer lived experiences of sexuality and sexual health in Bangladesh
'I cannot see ahead': psychological distress, doomscrolling and dark future among adult survivors following M(w) 7.7. and 7.6 earthquakes in Türkiye
A comparative analysis of road and vehicle qualities as factors of road traffic carnage in Nigeria
A cross-sectional study on resilience, anxiety, depression, and psychoactive substance use among heterosexual and sexual minority adolescents in Nigeria
A cross-sectional study: family communication, anxiety, and depression in adolescents: the mediating role of family violence and problematic internet use
A decade of child pedestrian safety in England: a Bayesian spatio-temporal analysis
A happy home? Socio-economic inequalities in depressive symptoms and the role of housing quality in nine European countries
A legal dispute resolution intervention for patients with substance use disorders: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
A look through Latin America truck drivers' health, a systematic review and meta-analysis
A mixed methods systematic review of mental health self-care strategies for Arabic-speaking refugees and migrants
A network system for the prevention and treatment of mushroom poisoning in Chuxiong Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China: implementation and assessment
A qualitative study of active travel amongst commuters and older adults living in market towns
A qualitative study of perception related to risky driving behavior in Debre Markos City, North West Ethiopia, 2021
A randomized controlled pilot study assessing feasibility and safety of a wilderness program for childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: the WAYA study
A scoping review of the self-reported compassion measurement tools
A study on longitudinal relationship between ultrafine dust and the prevalence of depression
A study protocol for a European, mixed methods, prospective, cohort study of the effectiveness of naloxone administration by community members, in reversing opioid overdose: NalPORS
A systematic review on the relationship between the built environment and children's quality of life
A systems science approach to identifying data gaps in national data sources on adolescent suicidal ideation and suicide attempt in the United States
Access to psychosocial support for church-going young people recovering from drug and substance abuse in Zimbabwe: a qualitative study
Accidents, diseases and health complaints among seafarers on German-flagged container ships
Active school transport in an urban environment: prevalence and perceived barriers
Addressing discrimination and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons from Brazil: a mobile health intervention
Addressing Domestic Violence in Antenatal Care Environments in Nepal (ADVANCE) - study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a video intervention on domestic violence among pregnant women
Adolescents' loneliness in European schools: a multilevel exploration of school environment and individual factors
Adult female callers' characteristics and mental health status: a retrospective study based on the psychological assistance hotline in Hangzhou
Adverse childhood experiences and health risk behaviours among adolescents and young adults: evidence from India
Alcohol policy framing in South Africa during the early stages of COVID-19: using extraordinary times to make an argument for a new normal
An exploration of suicidal ideation and attempts, and care use and unmet need among suicide-ideators in a Belgian population study
An exploratory qualitative study of the psychological effects of HIV diagnosis; the need for early involvement of mental health professionals to improve linkage to care
Analysis of age, period, and birth cohort effects on suicide mortality in Brazil and the five major geographic regions
Analysis of reported cases of sexual violence in Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil, 2011-2018
Anterior knee pain as a potential risk factor for falls in older adults: insights from the osteoarthritis initiative data
Association between childhood adversities and premature and potentially avoidable mortality in adulthood: a population-based study
Association between choices of transportation means and instrumental activities of daily living: observational cohort study of community-dwelling older adults
Association between home and community-based services and depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults: a multilevel analysis
Association between internal migration experience and depressive symptoms: analysis of PSID data
Association between light at night and the risk of child death in sub-saharan Africa: a cross-sectional analysis based on DHS data
Association between public health emergencies and sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, and early marriage among adolescent girls: a rapid review
Association between work-related physical activity and depressive symptoms in Korean workers: data from the Korea national health and nutrition examination survey 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020
Association of drug overdoses and user characteristics of Canada's national mobile/virtual overdose response hotline: the National Overdose Response Service (NORS)
Association of sleep apnea and depressive symptoms among US adults: a cross-sectional study
Association of urinary incontinence with depression among men: a cross-sectional study
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and early adolescent problematic screen use in the United States
Associations between depressive symptoms and 5-year subsequent work nonparticipation due to long-term sickness absence, unemployment and early retirement in a cohort of 2,413 employees in Germany
Associations between exposure to sexual abuse, substance use, adverse health outcomes, and use of youth health services among Norwegian adolescents
Associations between psychosocial wellbeing and experience of gender-based violence at community, household, and intimate-partner levels among a cross-sectional cohort of young people living with and without HIV during COVID-19 in Cape Town, South Africa
Associations of parents' and adolescents' active travel behavior across various destinations - a sex/gender analysis
Associations of sleep duration, daytime napping, and snoring with depression in rural China: a cross-sectional study
Banning highly hazardous pesticides saves the lives of young people, particularly females, in low- and middle-income countries
Bayesian spatial modelling of intimate partner violence and associated factors among adult women and men: evidence from 2019/2020 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey
BMI and perceived weight on suicide attempts in Korean adolescents: findings from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey (KYRBS) 2020 to 2021
Both/And: Mixed methods analysis of network composition, communication patterns, and socio-economic support within social networks of transgender women involved in sex work in Lima, Peru
Bulimia symptoms and anger and aggression among adolescents
Can counter-advertising exposing alcohol sponsorship and harms influence sport spectators' support for alcohol policies? An experimental study
Caregiving: a risk factor of poor health and depression among informal caregivers in India- a comparative analysis
Changes in self-reported cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review
Characterizing the impacts of public health control measures on domestic violence services: qualitative interviews with domestic violence coalition leaders
Child and adolescent mortality associated with pesticide toxicity in Cape Town, South Africa, 2010-2019: a retrospective case review
Child exposure to domestic violence, substance dependence and suicide resilience in child laborers
Child maltreatment associates with violent victimization in young adulthood: a Brazilian birth cohort study
Children of parents with different severities of mental health conditions have higher risk of somatic morbidity: a Danish nationwide register-based cohort study
Closing the gap between screening and depression prevention: a qualitative study on barriers and facilitators from the perspective of public health professionals in a school-based prevention approach
Common mental disorders in Peruvian immigrant in Chile: a comparison with the host population
Community Walks: a cluster randomized controlled trial of a multilevel physical activity intervention for low income public housing residents
Community wise-effects and participant perceptions of a community- based -positive health intervention for older inhabitants of low SES neighbourhoods: a mixed-methods approach
Community-based approaches to infant safe sleep and breastfeeding promotion: a qualitative study
Concerned friends of intimate partner violence survivors: results from the myPlan randomized controlled trial on college campuses
Considerations for the design of overdose education and naloxone distribution interventions: results of a multi-stakeholder workshop
Correction to: Child exposure to domestic violence, substance dependence and suicide resilience in child laborers
Correction to: Investigating the effectiveness of three school based interventions for preventing psychotic experiences over a year period - a secondary data analysis study of a randomized control trial
Correction to: Modeling road traffic fatalities in Iran's six most populous provinces, 2015-2016
Correction to: the effect of physical activity on health outcomes in people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a rapid systematic review with meta-analysis
Correction: A cross-sectional study: family communication, anxiety, and depression in adolescents: the mediating role of family violence and problematic internet use
Correlation analysis between physical activity and depressive tendencies among occupational groups: an isotemporal substitution approach
Correlation between negative life events and suicide attempts among Yi adolescents with HIV/AIDS in Liangshan Prefecture
Day-to-day regularity and diurnal switching of physical activity reduce depression-related behaviors: a time-series analysis of wearable device data
Demographic and clinical profile of an inception cohort of road trauma survivors
Depression and self-care in diabetes; adjustment for misclassification bias: application of predictive weighting method
Depressive symptoms among Thai male seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Designing accountability measures for health professionals: results from a community-based micro-credential: case study on Indigenous cultural safety
Determinants of motorcycle helmet availability and cost in retail outlets: outcomes of a market survey in northern Ghana
Determinants of spousal physical violence against women in Zambia: a multilevel analysis
Diagnosis-specific sickness absence among injured working-aged pedestrians: a sequence analysis
Digital self-help for people experiencing intimate partner violence: a qualitative study on user experiences and needs including people with lived experiences and services providers
Disability and loneliness in the United Kingdom: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of trends and transitions
Does disaster-related relocation impact mental health via changes in group participation among older adults? Causal mediation analysis of a pre-post disaster study of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
Domestic violence assault during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal community study
Drivers of child marriage in specific settings of Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia - findings from the Yes I Do! baseline study
Drowning rates among children and adolescents (aged 7-17) in Israel during the years 2008-2018
Early predictors for maltreatment-related injuries in infancy and long-term mortality: a population-based study
Effect of physical mobility, decision making and economic empowerment on gender-based violence among married youth in India-SAWERA project
Effective factors of improved helmet use in motorcyclists: a systematic review
Effectiveness of an educational intervention to promote psychosocial well-being of school-going adolescents in Sri Lanka
Effects of 2018 Japan floods on healthcare costs and service utilization in Japan: a retrospective cohort study
Effects of adverse childhood health experiences on cognitive function in Chinese middle-aged and older adults: mediating role of depression
Effects of chronic workplace harassment on mental health and alcohol misuse: a long-term follow-up
Effects of health education during public health emergencies on the health literacy, emotion and coping style of Chinese junior middle school students: a randomized controlled trial
Escalating costs of self-injury mortality in the 21st century United States: an interstate observational study
Evaluating the effect of an adapted mental health literacy intervention on mental health related stigma among secondary students in Germany: results of a pre-post evaluation study
Evaluating the effectiveness of the safety experience room, an affordable interactive education intervention to prevent unintentional injury among rural preschoolers in China: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Examining activity-friendly neighborhoods in the Norwegian context: green space and walkability in relation to physical activity and the moderating role of perceived safety
Examining gender and sexual orientation differences in physical intimate partner violence experienced and perpetrated by youth living in eThekwini district South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic
Examining the role of community resilience and social capital on mental health in public health emergency and disaster response: a scoping review
Experience and perpetration of intimate partner violence and abuse by gender of respondent and their current partner before and during COVID-19 restrictions in 2020: a cross-sectional study in 13 countries
Experiences of distress and gaps in government safety net supports among parents of young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study
Experiences of violence during the COVID-19 pandemic among people who use drugs in a Canadian setting: a gender-based cross-sectional study
Exploring the effects of health behaviors and mental health on students' academic achievement: a cross-sectional study on Lebanese university students
Exploring the health consequences of armed conflict: the perspective of Northeast Ethiopia, 2022: a qualitative study
Exploring the influence of behavioral factors on depression and anxiety scores during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the Virginia statewide COVIDsmart longitudinal study
Extreme weather events and HIV: development of a conceptual framework through qualitative interviews with people with HIV impacted by the California wildfires and their clinicians
Facilitators and barriers in the development and implementation of depression prevention and treatment policies in China: a qualitative study
Factors affecting depression among married adults: a gender-based household cross-sectional study
Factors associated with the prevalence of depression and anxiety among parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in Saudi Arabia
Factors contributing to the high prevalence of intimate partner violence among south Sudanese refugee women in Ethiopia
Factors that sustain indigenous youth mentoring programs: a qualitative systematic review
Feasibility and acceptability of a peer provider delivered substance use screening and brief intervention program for youth in Kenya
Feasibility and acceptability of at-home play kits for middle school physical activity promotion during the COVID-19 pandemic
FEEDBACK trial - a randomised control trial to investigate the effect of personalised feedback and financial incentives on reducing the incidence of road crashes
Female genital mutilation/cutting incidence, diagnostic capacities, and obstetric outcomes among migrant women: a single-center retrospective analysis in a 10-year birth cohort in Austria
Finding your lane: experiences and beyond for adults learning to swim
Forecasting call and chat volumes at online helplines for mental health
Gender difference in the associations between health literacy and problematic mobile phone use in Chinese middle school students
Geographic variation and sociodemographic correlates of prescription psychotropic drug use among children and youth in Ontario, Canada: a population-based study
Historical and regional particularities in the prevalence of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder in East and West Germany
HIV-related stigma, depression and suicidal ideation among HIV-positive MSM in China: a moderated mediation model
Household air pollution from solid fuel use and depression among adults in rural China: evidence from the China Kadoorie Biobank data
How did UK social distancing restrictions affect the lives of women experiencing intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative exploration of survivor views
How do underage youth access e-cigarettes in settings with minimum age sales restriction laws? A scoping review
How effective are health messages/warnings in improving knowledge and awareness of alcohol-related harm? The Slovenian case on using a mobile app
How loneliness linked to anxiety and depression: a network analysis based on Chinese university students
Identification of determinant factors for crash severity levels occurred in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia, from 2017 to 2020: using ordinal logistic regression model approach
Impact of a surfer rescue training program in Australia and New Zealand: a mixed methods evaluation
Impact of easing COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on traumatic injuries in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: one-year experience at a major trauma centre
Impact of the first year of the "This girl can" physical activity and sport mass media campaign in Australia
Impact of work and coping factors on mental health: Australian truck drivers' perspective
Impact on sales of adding a smaller serving size of beer and cider in licensed premises: an A-B-A reversal design
Implementation of a workplace protection system and its correlation with experiences of workplace violence: a cross-sectional study
Improving the representativeness of the tribal behavioral risk factor surveillance system through data integration
Income loss and gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic among female entertainment workers in Cambodia: a cross-sectional phone survey
Increasing disclosure of school-related gender-based violence: lessons from a systematic review of data collection methods and existing survey research
Influence of psychosocial safety climate on occupational health and safety: a scoping review
Influences and patterns of intimate partner violence among married Akha and Lahu women in northern Thailand
Integrating intimate partner violence prevention content into a digital parenting chatbot intervention during COVID-19: Intervention development and remote data collection
Interaction effect of midday napping duration and depressive symptoms on subjective memory impairment among older people in China: evidence from the China health and retirement longitudinal study database
Interrupting the intergenerational cycle of violence: protocol for a three-generational longitudinal mixed-methods study in South Africa (INTERRUPT_VIOLENCE)
Intimate partner violence among women living in families with children under the poverty line and its association with common mental disorders during COVID-19 pandemics in Ceará, Brazil
Intimate partner violence and antenatal care utilization predictors in Uganda: an analysis applying Andersen's behavioral model of healthcare utilization
Intimate partner violence and its associations among HIV-infected MSM with new drug abuse in Jinan, China
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy in COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from South-west of Iran
Investigating the effectiveness of three school based interventions for preventing psychotic experiences over a year period - a secondary data analysis study of a randomized control trial
Is sexual attraction and place of origin a moderator of sex in pornography consumption? Cross-sectional study on a representative sample of young adults
Labour market attachment dynamics in patients with concussion: a Danish nationwide register-based cohort study
Lessons learned through the 20-year development of a national fatal drowning database in Australia
Lifesaving skills training in schools - a qualitative study to explore students, teachers, and parent's perceived opportunities and challenges
Longitudinal changes in depressive symptoms associated with social isolation after the Great East Japan Earthquake in Iwate Prefecture: findings from the TMM CommCohort study
Managing disabled workers due to occupational accidents in Indonesia: a case study on return to work program
Mapping and analysis of laws influencing built environments for walking and cycling in Australia
Media regulation strategies in parents of 4- to 16-year-old children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Mental health challenges, treatment experiences, and care needs of post-secondary students: a cross-sectional mixed-methods study
Mental health in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity
Mental health-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours in a cross-sectional sample of Australian university students: a comparison of domestic and international students
Moderating role of mental health literacy on the relationship between bullying victimization during the life course and symptoms of anxiety and depression in Chinese college students
Needs and unmet needs for support services for recently pregnant intimate partner violence survivors in Ethiopia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Neighborhood 'Disamenities': local barriers and cognitive function among Black and White aging adults
Neighbourhood socio-economic disadvantage and loneliness: the contribution of green space quantity and quality
Ntombi Vimbela! Sexual violence risk reduction intervention: pre and one-year post assessments from a single arm pilot feasibility study among female students in South Africa
Optimising engagement in a digital parenting intervention to prevent violence against adolescents in Tanzania: protocol for a cluster randomised factorial trial
Palestinian law to protect family and prevent violence: challenges with public opinion
Parental technoference and adolescents' mental health and violent behaviour: a scoping review
Parents' drinking, childhood hangover? Parental alcohol use, subjective health complaints and perceived stress among Swedish adolescents aged 10-18 years
Perceived neighborhood environment walkability and health-related quality of life among predominantly Black and Latino adults in New York City
Perceived problematic alcohol use in the family and adolescents' stress-related complaints: examining the buffering role of the school's degree of student focus as rated by its teachers
Perceived stress in adolescence and labour market participation in young adulthood - a prospective cohort study
Population size estimation of female sex workers using network scale-up method in Kermanshah city
Prevalence and associated factors of intimate partner violence against pregnant women in urban areas of Japan: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence and correlation of multiple chemical sensitivity and electromagnetic hypersensitivity with age, sex, and depression in the Japanese population: a retrospective study
Prevalence and drivers of female genital mutilation/cutting in three coastal governorates in Yemen
Prevalence and influencing factors of self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arab region: a multinational cross-sectional study
Prevalence and predictors of sex under the influence of psychoactive substances among young people in informal settlements in Kampala, Uganda
Prevalence and risk factors for tobacco, khat, and alcohol consumption among high school students in Ethiopia
Prevalence of depression among students at a Sri Lankan university: a study using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) during the COVID-19 pandemic
Preventing sexual violence in Vietnam: qualitative findings from high school, university, and civil society key informants across regions
Prevention of hazardous use of alcohol among high school students: a study protocol for the randomized controlled trial 'Our choice'
Promoting transportation safety in adolescence: the drivingly randomized controlled trial
Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a healthy relationship tool for men who use intimate partner violence (BETTER MAN)
Protocol for the Open Sky School: a two-arm clustered randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a nature-based intervention on mental health of elementary school children
Protocol of a cluster randomised trial of BodyKind: a school-based body image programme for adolescents
Protocol of a prospective community-based study about the onset and course of depression in a nationally representative cohort of adults in China: the China Depression Cohort Study-I
Proximal hip fractures in 71,920 elderly patients: incidence, epidemiology, mortality and costs from a retrospective observational study
Psychoactive substance abuse among commercial bus drivers in Umuahia, Abia State, South-Eastern Nigeria: an uncontrolled "epidemic" with attendant road traffic crashes
Psychosocial effects of adverse pregnancy outcomes and their influence on reporting pregnancy loss during surveys and surveillance: narratives from Uganda
Psychosocial stressors and current e-cigarette use in the youth risk behavior survey
Psychosocial work stress and parent-child bonding during the COVID-19 pandemic: clarifying the role of parental symptoms of depression and aggressiveness
PTSD, FOMO and fake news beliefs: a cross-sectional study of Wenchuan earthquake survivors
Publisher Correction: A repeated cross-sectional and longitudinal study of mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19 lockdowns in Victoria, Australia
Qualitative research in suicidology: a systematic review of the literature of low-and middle-income countries
Record linkage studies of drug-related deaths among adults who were released from prison to the community: a scoping review
Regional disparities in food security and depression among single-person households in the Republic of Korea
Reimagining natural hazards and disaster preparedness: charting a new course for the future
Relationship between university students' emotional expression on tweets and subjective well-being: considering the effects of their self-presentation and online communication skills
Religious and traditional beliefs and practices as predictors of mental and physical health outcomes and the role of religious affiliation in health outcomes and risk taking
Remote training for strengthening capacity in sexual and reproductive health and rights research: a systematic review
RETRACTED: Premarital sexual behavior among male college students of Kathmandu, Nepal
Return to work after sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorder or injury: a longitudinal study conducted in Brazil
Risk perceptions of COVID-19, vocational identity, and employment aspirations of Chinese aviation students: a structural equation modeling approach
Road safety, health equity, and the built environment: perspectives of transport and injury prevention professionals in five Canadian municipalities
Rural libraries implementing walking groups or walking groups plus civic engagement for walkability in rural communities: a comparative effectiveness trial study protocol
Safety culture and perception of warning signs of chemical hazards among hospital cleaning workers: a cross-sectional study
Secular trends in the incidence of major depressive disorder and dysthymia in China from 1990 to 2019
Self-perceived problems of Afghan asylum seekers and refugees and their experiences with a short psychological intervention
Sense of loneliness of veterans in Southern Iran: a cross-sectional study
Serial mediation of the relationship between impulsivity and suicidal ideation by depression and hopelessness in depressed patients
Sleep duration trajectories and all-cause mortality among Chinese elderly: a community-based cohort study
Social determinants associated with psychological distress in children and adolescents during and after the first COVID-19-related lockdown in France: results from the CONFEADO study
Social epidemiology of early adolescent alcohol expectancies
Social participation in the city: exploring the moderating effect of walkability on the associations between active mobility, neighborhood perceptions, and social activities in urban adults
Social vulnerability indices: a scoping review
Sociodemographic inequalities in mortality from drowning in the Baltic countries and Finland in 2000-2015: a register-based study
Somatic symptoms, psychological distress and trauma after disasters: lessons from the 2014 Hazelwood mine fire and 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires
Spatial and temporal analysis of road traffic crashes and ambulance responses in Lagos state, Nigeria
Spatial spillover impact of determinants on child mortality in Pakistan: evidence from Spatial Durbin Model
Stress/depression across the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark
Stronger together: coping behaviours and mental health changes of Canadian adolescents in early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic
Study protocol: Adolescents of Ukraine During the Russian Invasion (AUDRI) cohort
Suicidality and protective factors among sexual and gender minority youth and adults in Canada: a cross-sectional, population-based study
Suicide attempt among Malaysian school-going adolescents: relationship with bullying
Suicides by pesticide ingestion in Pakistan and the impact of pesticide regulation
Survey of extreme heat public health preparedness plans and response activities in the most populous jurisdictions in the United States
The association between living alone and depressive symptoms and the role of pet ownership among Japanese workers
The association between viewing cigarette health warning labels and intention to quit smoking among Chinese adult smokers: support for including health outcome content and culturally specific messages
The association mental health of adolescents with economic impact during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 2020 Korean nationally representative survey
The association of child marriage with morbidities and mortality among children under 5 years in Afghanistan: findings from a national survey
The barriers and facilitators to the reporting and recording of self-harm in young people aged 18 and under: a systematic review
The correlation analysis of WeChat usage and depression among the middle-aged and elderly in China: the mediating role of social participation
The COVID-19 Pandemic in the Nawalparasi District of Nepal: a mixed methods assessment of increased alcohol use and violence against women
The development and evaluation of an intervention to promote the uptake of preventive tasks by occupational physicians targeting work-related mental health problems: protocol for the IM-PROmPt-study
The effect of physical activity on health outcomes in people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a rapid systematic review with meta-analysis
The impact of COVID-19 and associated public health restrictions on trends in police-recorded violence in an English police force area
The impact of neighborhood mental health on the mental health of older adults
The impact of parental migration on left-behind children's vision health in rural China
The link between cognitive health and neighbourhood: perceptions of the public, and of policy-makers, about problems and solutions
The origins of California's gun violence restraining order law: a case study using Kingdon's multiple streams framework
The prevalence and economic burden of treatment-resistant depression in Thailand
The relationship between interpersonal violence in adulthood and mental health: a longitudinal study based on the Northern Swedish Cohort
The role of communities and leadership in ending female genital mutilation in Tanzania: an exploratory cross-sectional qualitative study in Tanga
The role of military service in preventing depression in China: evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal survey
The short-term impact of terrorism on public mental health: an emergency primary care approach
The societal cost of modifiable risk factors in Singapore
The trend of unintentional injury-related mortality among children aged under-five years in China, 2010-2020: a retrospective analysis from a national surveillance system
The Werther effect following the suicides of three Korean celebrities (2017-2018): an ecological time-series study
Title page: psychometric properties of literacy of suicide scale (LOSS) in iranian population: long form
Toward a conceptual framework of health and its operational definition: an application in the 1958 British birth cohort
Transgender women in Kenya experience greater stigma, depressive symptoms, alcohol and drug use and risky sexual practices than cis-gendered men who have sex with men
Trauma of separation: the social and emotional impact of institutionalization on children in a post-soviet country
Traumatic injuries among Alaska's young workers: linking cases from four data systems
Trends in cannabis-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations among children aged 0-11 years in Canada from 2015 to 2021: spotlight on cannabis edibles
Trends in firearm injury in a southern California health care system from 2010 to 2020
Trends in mortality from non-natural causes in children and adolescents (0-19 years) in Europe from 2000 to 2018
Trends of cannabis use and related harms before and after legalization for recreational purpose in a developing country in Asia
Trends of completed suicide rates among Malaysian elderly between 1995 and 2020
Trusted residents and housing assistance to decrease violence exposure in New Haven (TRUE HAVEN): a strengths-based and community-driven stepped-wedge intervention to reduce gun violence
Underreporting of workers' injuries or illnesses and contributing factors: a systematic review
Unveiling the intersection: exploring obstetric violence in the era of COVID-19 in Ecuador
Urgent care-seeking and injury severity for intimate partner violence during COVID-19: a Canadian retrospective chart review
Usage and health perception of cannabidiol-containing products among the population in Germany: a descriptive study conducted in 2020 and 2021
Using formative evaluation of a community-based opioid overdose prevention program to inform strategic communication for adoption, implementation, and sustainability
Using the intervention mapping for adaption framework to adapt an evidence-based sexual health intervention for youth affected by trauma
Validation of the Swedish version of the Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) parent screening questionnaire
Vulnerability to violence against women or girls during COVID-19 in Uganda
Walkability and urban built environments-a systematic review of health impact assessments (HIA)
Walking against traffic and pedestrian injuries in the United Kingdom: new insights
Warning labels on alcoholic beverage containers: a pilot randomized experiment among young adults in Mexico
What a critical public health perspective can add to the analysis of healthcare responses to gender-based violence that focus on asking
What works in interventions targeting loneliness: a systematic review of intervention characteristics
When epidemiological databases inform injury mechanisms: biomechanical analysis of injury associations
Widening the knowledge of non-employment as a risk factor for suicide: a Norwegian register-based population study
Women suffer but men die: survey data exploring whether this self-reported health paradox is real or an artefact of gender stereotypes
Work stressors, work-family conflict, parents' depressive symptoms and perceived parental concern for their children's mental health during COVID-19 in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis
Working from home and intimate partner violence among cis-women during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a global, cross-sectional study