"Focus more on what's right instead of what's wrong:" research priorities identified by a sample of transgender and gender diverse community health center patients
"I did whatever they wanted me to do": a qualitative secondary analysis using reproductive justice to explore sexual violence among justice-involved Latina mothers
"I feel like it is asking if he is a stalker … but I also feel like it is asking if he cares": exploring young South African women and men's perceptions of the Sexual Relationship Power Scale
"Most of the cases are very similar.": documenting and corroborating conflict-related sexual violence affecting Rohingya refugees
"Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue" - Black pregnant women's anticipation of police brutality towards their children
"The pandemic made us stop and think about who we are and what we want:" using intersectionality to understand migrant and refugee women's experiences of gender-based violence during covid-19
"We're so limited with what we actually can do if we follow all the rules": a qualitative study of the impact of COVID-19 public health protocols on violence against women services
"You can't swim well if there is a weight dragging you down": cross-sectional study of intimate partner violence, sexual assault and child abuse prevalence against Australian nurses, midwives and carers
"You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't": a qualitative exploration of parent motives for provision of mobile screen devices in early childhood
'A priori' external contextual factors and relationships with process indicators: a mixed methods study of the pre-implementation phase of 'Communities in Charge of Alcohol'
'As soon as they can hold a glass, they begin taking alcohol': a qualitative study on early childhood substance use in Mbale District, Uganda
A cluster randomized controlled trial of an after-school playground curriculum intervention to improve children's physical, social, and emotional health: study protocol for the PLAYground project
A combined behavioural economics- and simulation-based medical education to promote effectiveness among medical residents in coping with workplace violence in Northern China: a quasi-experimental study
A community edutainment intervention for gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and maternal and child health in rural Senegal: a process evaluation
A comparative content analysis of newspaper coverage about extreme risk protection order policies in passing and non-passing US states
A comparison of peer change agent selection methods: evidence from a high-school based suicide preventive intervention
A controlled pilot intervention on community violence prevention, financial and social capital generation in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
A pilot intervention study on bullying prevention among junior high school students in Shantou, China
A profile of injuries suffered by female soldiers serving in the Australian Army
A qualitative exploration of attitudes to walking in the retirement life change
A qualitative study exploring young offenders' perspectives on alcohol and other drug health promotion
A qualitative study of the causes and circumstances of drowning in Uganda
A qualitative study on gender inequality and gender-based violence in Nepal
A randomised controlled trial of an implementation strategy delivered at scale to increase outdoor free play opportunities in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services: a study protocol for the get outside get active (GOGA) trial
A review of smartphone applications designed to improve occupational health, safety, and well-being at workplaces
A school-based program to prevent depressive symptoms and strengthen well-being among pre-vocational students (Happy Lessons): protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial and implementation study
A study on occupational health and safety
A survey of depression and anxiety disorders in urban and rural Suriname
A systematic review of the effects of intimate partner violence on HIV-positive pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa
A trend analysis of the prevalence of opioid misuse, social support, and suicide attempt among American Indian/Alaska native high school students in New Mexico: 2009-2019 Youth Risk Resiliency Survey (YRRS)
Achieving health equity in US suicides: a narrative review and commentary
Administrative data deficiencies plague understanding of the magnitude of rape-related crimes in Indian women and girls
Adolescent health outcomes: associations with child maltreatment and peer victimization
Adolescent mobile phone addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic predicts subsequent suicide risk: a two-wave longitudinal study
Adolescent school injuries and classroom sex compositions in German secondary schools
Adolescent substance use: findings from a state-wide pilot parent education program
Adult abuse and poor prognosis in Taiwan, 2000-2015: a cohort study
Adverse childhood experiences and comorbidity in a cohort of people who have injected drugs
Adverse childhood experiences and deviant behaviors among Chinese rural emerging adults: the role of social support
Adverse childhood experiences and other risk factors associated with adolescent and young adult vaping over time: a longitudinal study
Alcohol abuse as a potential risk factor of solitary death among people living alone: a cross-sectional study in Kyoto, Japan
Alcohol and cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic among transgender, gender-diverse, and cisgender adults in Canada
An analysis of age-standardized suicide rates in Muslim-majority countries in 2000-2019
Analysis of characteristics and forecast of unintentional injury deaths of children under age 5 from 2013 to 2019 in Sichuan, China
Analysis of latent profiles and affected factors according to the implementation of a protection system against customer bullying in Korea
Analysis of the completeness of self-harm and suicide records in Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014-2016
Analysis of the geographic pattern of the police reports for domestic violence in Girona (Spain)
Anonymous view on transgender soldiers: content analysis of online news headlines and comments in South Korea
Area-level deprivation and adverse childhood experiences among high school students in Maryland
Assessing the depression risk in the U.S. adults using nomogram
Assessment of the national and subnational completeness of death registration in Nepal
Association between experiences of intimate partner sexual violence and cigarette smoking among women in union in Papua New Guinea: evidence from a nationally representative survey
Association between friendship quality and subjective wellbeing among adolescents: a systematic review
Association between intergenerational solidarity involving elders and mental health of Indigenous people living off reserve
Association between physical activity and falls among older adults in rural China: are there gender and age related differences?
Association between sexual violence and unintended pregnancy among married women in Zambia
Association between the 24-hour movement guidelines and executive function among Chinese children
Association of perceived work pace and physical work demands with occupational accidents: a cross-sectional study of ageing male construction workers in Denmark
Association of supply sources of alcohol and alcohol-related harms in adolescent drinkers: the baseline characteristics of a high school cohort across Thailand
Associations between motorized transport access, out-of-home activities, and life-space mobility in older adults in Japan
Associations between neighborhood built, social, or toxicant conditions and child externalizing behaviors in the Detroit metro area: a cross-sectional study of the neighborhood 'exposome'
Associations between sedentary behaviour patterns and depression among people aged 60 and older in Hebei Province of China
Associations between sexual identity, living with disability, bully victimisation, and HIV status and intimate partner violence among residents in Nigeria
Associations between spanking beliefs and reported spanking among adolescents-parent/caregiver dyads in a Canadian sample
Associations of childhood trauma with long-term diseases and alcohol and nicotine use disorders in Czech and Slovak representative samples
Associations of nonconforming gender expression and gender identity with bullying victimization: an analysis of the 2017 youth risk behavior survey
Background predictors of time to death in infancy: evidence from a survival analysis of the 2018 Nigeria DHS data
Barriers to vulnerable adolescent girls' access to sexual and reproductive health
Beaten but not down! Exploring resilience among female sex workers (FSWs) in Nairobi, Kenya
Behavioral activation / inhibition systems and lifestyle as predictors of mental disorders in adolescent athletes during Covid19 pandemic
Being silenced, loneliness and being heard: understanding pathways to intimate partner violence & abuse in young adults. a mixed-methods study
Beliefs and misperceptions about naloxone and overdose among U.S. laypersons: a cross-sectional study
Centering Indigenous knowledge in suicide prevention: a critical scoping review
Cervical spine injuries occurring at the beach: epidemiology, mechanism of injury and risk factors
Change of risk behaviour in young people - the effectiveness of the trauma prevention programme P.A.R.T.Y. considering the effect of fear appeals and cognitive processes
Changes in agricultural context and mental health of farmers in different regions of Thailand during the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Changes in the rankings of leading causes of death in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan from 1998 to 2018: a comparison of three ranking lists
Characterizing fall risk factors in Belgian older adults through machine learning: a data-driven approach
Child marriage among displaced populations - a 2019 study in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Children mirror adults for the worse: evidence of suicide rates due to air pollution and unemployment
Coffee and energy drink use patterns in college freshmen: associations with adverse health behaviors and risk factors
Collaborating with transgender youth to educate healthcare trainees and professionals: randomized controlled trial of a didactic enhanced by brief videos
Comparison of mortality prediction models for road traffic accidents: an ensemble technique for imbalanced data
Conceptualisations of mental illness and stigma in Congolese, Arabic-speaking and Mandarin-speaking communities: a qualitative study
Concurrent use of opioids and stimulants and risk of fatal overdose: a cohort study
Consumer perceptions of legal cannabis products in Canada, 2019-2021: a repeat cross-sectional study
Contextual factors influencing the urban mobility infrastructure interventions and policies for older adults in low- and middle-income countries: a realist review
Correction to: A cross-sectional study of community perceptions of stigmatization amongst women affected by UN-peacekeeper perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse
Correction to: Demographics of road injuries and micromobility injuries among China, India, Japan, and the United States population: evidence from an age-period-cohort analysis
Correction to: Gambling-related suicide in East African Community countries: evidence from press media reports
Correction: An analysis of age-standardized suicide rates in Muslim-majority countries in 2000-2019
Correction: Development and psychometric assessment an instrument for investigating women's attitude toward home safety
Correction: Development of the home-based fall prevention knowledge (HFPK) questionnaire to assess home-based fall prevention knowledge levels among older adults in China
Correction: Does sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) increase risk of multiple high-risk fertility behaviours in India: evidence from National Family Health Survey 2015-16
Correction: Effect of the Lights4Violence intervention on the sexism of adolescents in European countries
Correlates and determinants of transport-related physical activity among adults: an interdisciplinary systematic review
Correlates of co-occurring physical child punishment and physical intimate partner violence in Colombia, Mexico and Peru
County-level associations between food retailer availability and violent crime rate
COVID Stress, socioeconomic deprivation, and intimate partner aggression during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 and mental health in Australia - a scoping review
COVID-19 impact on the psychological health of Latinx transgender and non-binary individuals in mainland United States and Puerto Rico: a mixed-methods study
COVID-19 lockdown - who cares? The first lockdown from the perspective of relatives of people with severe mental illness
Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between the built environment and walking: effect modification by socioeconomic status
Cross-sectional survey of underreported violence experienced by adolescents: a study from Indonesia
Deinstitutionalization from the perspective of community-dwelling adults with a severe mental illness in Amsterdam: a cohort study protocol
Demographics of road injuries and micromobility injuries among China, India, Japan, and the United States population: evidence from an age-period-cohort analysis
Detecting changes in help seeker conversations on a suicide prevention helpline during the COVID- 19 pandemic: in-depth analysis using encoder representations from transformers
Development and psychometric assessment an instrument for investigating women's attitude toward home safety
Development of an integrated fatigue measurement system for construction workers: a feasibility study
Development of the Home-Based Fall Prevention Knowledge (HFPK) questionnaire to assess home-based fall prevention knowledge levels among older adults in China
Disability status, partner behavior, and the risk of sexual intimate partner violence in Uganda: an analysis of the demographic and health survey data
Do motorcycle helmets reduce road traffic injuries, hospitalizations and mortalities in low and lower-middle income countries in Africa? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Does category of strength predict return-to-work after occupational injury?
Does gender matter? The association between different digital media activities and adolescent well-being
Does sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) increase risk of multiple high-risk fertility behaviours in india: evidence from National Family Health Survey 2015-16
Domestic violence and associated factors during COVID-19 epidemic: an online population-based study in Iran
Domestic violence calls for police service in five US cities during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020
Driving under the influence of cannabis: perceptions from Canadian youth
Drowning in the Eastern Mediterranean region: a systematic literature review of the epidemiology, risk factors and strategies for prevention
Economic costs and Predictors of occupation-related Injuries in Ethiopian sugar industries from the employer's perspective: top-down approach and friction method
Effect of training about child neglect and abuse to teachers and its effect to awareness
Effectiveness of WeChat-group-based parental health education in preventing unintentional injuries among children aged 0-3: randomized controlled trial in Shanghai
Effects of extreme precipitation on hospital visit risk and disease burden of depression in Suzhou, China
Effects of interventions for preventing road traffic crashes: an overview of systematic reviews
Eight-year experience of maternal death surveillance in Morocco: qualitative study of stakeholders' views at a subnational level
Emotional response patterns, mental health, and structural vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: a latent class analysis
Epidemiology of floods in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of health outcomes
Establishing a minimum data set for suicide and attempted suicide registry system in Iran
Estimation of national and subnational all-cause mortality indicators in Nepal, 2017
Evaluating the effect of drunk driving on fatal injuries among vulnerable road users in Taiwan: a population-based study
Evaluation of the Lights4Violence program: reduction in machismo and acceptance of violence among adolescents in Europe
Evidence of co-creation practices in suicide prevention in government policy: a directed and summative content analysis
Examining the impact of economic abuse on survivors of intimate partner violence: a scoping review
Excess mortality and the COVID-19 pandemic: causes of death and social inequalities
Exploring arts-based interventions for youth substance use prevention: a scoping review of literature
Exploring the facilitators and barriers to high-risk behaviors among school transportation drivers: a qualitative study
Exploring the factors affecting violence among Iranian male adolescents
Exposure to job-related violence among young female sex workers in urban slums of Southwest Nigeria
Factors associated with insomnia and suicidal thoughts among outpatients, healthcare workers, and the general population in Taiwan during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Factors associated with long term work incapacity following a non-catastrophic road traffic injury: analysis of a two-year prospective cohort study
Factors associated with motorcycle-related road traffic crashes in Africa, a scoping review from 2016 to 2022
Factors contributing to household wealth inequality in under-five deaths in low- and middle-income countries: decomposition analysis
Factors influencing changes in medication-taking and driving behavior after warnings about prescription medications that prohibit driving: an online survey
Factors influencing the attitudes of young Sri Lankan-Australians towards seeking mental healthcare: a national online survey
Family socioeconomic status and the parent-child relationship in Chinese adolescents: the multiple serial mediating roles of visual art activities
Fatal drowning statistics from the Netherlands - an example of an aggregated demographic profile
Features of alcohol advertisements across five urban slums in Kampala, Uganda: pilot testing a container-based approach
Flight crew fatigue risk assessment for international flights under the COVID-19 outbreak response exemption policy
From motorised to active travel: using GPS data to explore potential physical activity gains among adolescents
From the hidden to the obvious: classification of primary and secondary school student suicides using cluster analysis
Gambling-related suicide in East African Community countries: evidence from press media reports
Garbage codes in the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry 1996-2019
Gender operationalisation and stress measurement in research with adolescent males: a scoping review
Girl child marriage and the social context of displacement: a qualitative comparative exploration of Syrian refugees in Jordan and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Global measurement of intimate partner violence to monitor Sustainable Development Goal 5
Global school-based student health survey: country profiles and survey results in the eastern Mediterranean region countries
Health care utilization among individuals who die by suicide as compared to the general population: a population-based register study in Sweden
Health literacy and recovery following a non-catastrophic road traffic injury
Health-related selection into employment among the unemployed
Help seeking and mental health outcomes among South Asian young adult survivors of sexual violence in the New York State Region
High levels of depressive symptoms and low quality of life are reported during pregnancy in Cape Coast, Ghana; a longitudinal study
Higher exposure to childhood adversity associates with lower adult flourishing
HIV self-testing implementation, distribution and use among female sex workers in Cotonou, Benin: a qualitative evaluation of acceptability and feasibility
Homicide rates are spatially associated with built environment and socio-economic factors: a study in the neighbourhoods of Toronto, Canada
If we build it, will they come? Perspectives on pharmacy-based naloxone among family and friends of people who use opioids: a mixed methods study
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown and link to women and children's experiences of violence in the home in South Africa
Impact of job demands on police stress response-the roles of basic psychological needs and job autonomy
Impact of the first national COVID-19 lockdown on referral of women experiencing domestic violence and abuse in England and Wales
Implementation of a model of awareness-raising for taxi motorcyclists in Benin in relation to helmet use: a quasi-experimental study
Incidence and factors related to nonmotorized scooter injuries in New York State and New York City, 2005-2020
Indigenous population and major depressive disorder in later life: a study based on the data from Longitudinal Ageing Study in India
Individual socioeconomic position, neighbourhood disadvantage and mental well-being: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis of mid-age adults
Inequalities in children's exposure to alcohol outlets in Scotland: a GPS study
Inequalities in mortality associated with housing conditions in Belgium between 1991 and 2020
Internet addiction and relationships with depression, anxiety, stress and academic performance among Egypt pharmacy students: a cross-sectional designed study
Intersections between disability, masculinities, and violence: experiences and insights from men with physical disabilities from three African countries
Investigating public awareness, prevailing attitudes and perceptions towards domestic violence and abuse in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study
Involvement of alcohol in injury cases in rural Sri Lanka: prevalence and associated factors among in-patients in three primary care hospitals
Keeping up with the Wangs: individual and contextual influences on mental wellbeing and depressive symptoms in China
Knowledge, attitude, practice and perceived barriers of natural disaster preparedness among Nepalese immigrants residing in Japan
KODY, an all-of-family response to co-occurring substance use and domestic violence: protocol for a quasi-experimental intervention trial
Large outbreak of jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) poisoning due to consumption of contaminated humanitarian relief food: Uganda, March-April 2019
Level playing field: young males, masculinity and mental wellbeing through sport
Linking immuno-epidemiology principles to violence
Living with parents, lifestyle pattern and common mental disorders in adolescents: a school-based study in Brazil
Locked up at home: a cross-sectional study into the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on domestic violence in households with children in Belgium
Magnitude and factors associated with intimate partner violence against pregnant women in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis of 2016 Ethiopian demographic and health survey
Men's conceptualization of gender-based violence directed to women in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg, South Africa
Mental health challenges and perceived risks among female sex Workers in Nairobi, Kenya
Mental health consequences of military sexual trauma: results from a national survey in the French military
Mental health effects of the Gangwon wildfires
Mental health indicators and their lifestyle associations in German students: a gender-specific multivariable analysis
Mental health of working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: can resilience buffer the impact of psychosocial work stress on depressive symptoms?
Mental health problems and their related factors among seafarers: a scoping review
Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review
Migration, personal physical safety and economic survival: drivers of risky sexual behaviour among rural-urban migrant street youth in Kampala, Uganda
Military service experiences and reasons for service separation among lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals in a large military cohort
Modeling road traffic fatalities in Iran's six most populous provinces, 2015-2016
Mortality rate of people exposed to mustard gas during Iran-Iraq war in Sardasht, Iran: a 32 years retrospective cohort study
Multimorbidity and its socio-economic associations in community-dwelling older adults in rural Tanzania; a cross-sectional study
National COVID-19 lockdown and trends in help-seeking for violence against children in Zimbabwe: an interrupted time-series analysis
Negative experiences, social exclusion and unwanted attention on social media: exploring the association with adolescent alcohol use
Neighborhood social cohesion and serious psychological distress among Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and White adults in the United States: a cross-sectional study
Optimism and survival: health behaviors as a mediator-a ten-year follow-up study of Chinese elderly people
Our Voice in a rural community: empowering Colombian adolescents to advocate for school community well-being through citizen science
Outdoor public recreation spaces and social connectedness among adolescents
Paper: violence, abuse and exploitation among trafficked women and girls: a mixed-methods study in Nigeria and Uganda
Parent perceived barriers and facilitators of children's adventurous play in Britain: a framework analysis
Parents' perceptions of school recess policies and practices
Patterns of alcohol and alcohol-flavoured non-alcoholic beverage advertisements over Japanese free-to-air television networks
Patterns of multimorbidity in association with falls among the middle-aged and older adults: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
Perceived general, mental, and physical health of Latinos in the United States following adoption of immigrant-inclusive state-level driver's license policies: a time-series analysis
Personal and sexual boundaries: the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities
Perspectives on delivering safe and equitable trauma-focused intimate partner violence interventions via virtual means: a qualitative study during COVID-19 pandemic
Physical activity and screen time in outside school hours care services across Australia: current versus best practice
Pilot evaluation to assess the effectiveness of youth peer community support via the Kooth online mental wellbeing website
Polysubstance use poisoning deaths in Canada: an analysis of trends from 2014 to 2017 using mortality data
Post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health assessment of seafarers working on ocean-going vessels during the COVID-19 pandemic
Postpartum depression crisis since the second lockdown and 'screening paradox': many women identified, very few treated
Potential effects of adverse childhood experiences on school engagement in youth: a dominance analysis
Pre-injury health status of truck drivers with a workers' compensation claim
Predicting accidental drug overdose as the cause of fatality in near real-time using the Suspected Potential Overdose Tracker (SPOT): public health implications
Predicting medical usage rate at mass gathering events in Belgium: development and validation of a nonlinear multivariable regression model
Predictors of physical violence against children in Rwanda: findings from a National Cross-Sectional Survey
Pregnant adolescents' lived experiences and coping strategies in peri-urban district in Southern Ghana
Prevalence and associated factors of suicidal behavior among pregnant mothers in southern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence among ever-married men in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey
Prevalence and psychosocial factors associated with serious injuries among in-school adolescents in eight sub-Saharan African countries
Prevalence and risk factors for non-collision injuries among bus commuters in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Prevalence and risk factors for transactional sex among Swedish-born and foreign-born MSM in Sweden
Prevalence and risk factors of fall-related injury among older adults in India: evidence from a cross-sectional observational study
Prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among refugees: a meta-analysis
Prevalence, characteristics, and psychological outcomes of workplace cyberbullying during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a cross-sectional online survey
Prevalence, pattern, and predictors of formal help-seeking for intimate partner violence against women: findings from India's cross-sectional National Family Health Surveys-3 (2005-2006) and 4 (2015-2016)
Prevention is political: political party affiliation predicts perceived risk and prevention behaviors for COVID-19
Problem drinkers and high risk-taking behaviors under the stay-at-home policy of the COVID-19 emergency declaration
Psychometric properties of Haj-Yahia's questionnaire of violence against women in a sample of married women in Tehran, Iran
Psychosocial issues and sleep quality among seafarers: a mixed methods study
Public health emergency and psychological distress among healthcare workers: a scoping review
Quasi-experimental design for using an interactive social media intervention program to improve truck drivers' health beliefs and eating behaviors
Randomly controlled drivers using minimally invasive sampling: assessment of drug prevalence in Western Switzerland over two time periods
Relationship between childhood sexual abuse and attitudes toward premarital sexual permissiveness among middle school students in Luzhou, China
Relationships of familial sexual stigma and family support with internalized homonegativity among lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals: the mediating effect of self-identity disturbance and moderating effect of gender
Resilience mediates parenting style associated school bullying victimization in Chinese children and adolescents
Risk factors for upper limb fractures due to unintentional injuries among adolescents: a case control study from Sri Lanka
Risk factors of adolescent exposure to violence in Burkina Faso
Rural urban differences in self-rated health among older adults: examining the role of marital status and living arrangements
Safe spaces for beneficiaries of a combination HIV prevention intervention for adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: access, feasibility, and acceptability
School culture and student mental health: a qualitative study in UK secondary schools
Seeing pre-screened, regular clients associated with lower odds of workplace sexual violence and condom refusal amidst sex work criminalization: findings of a community-based cohort of sex workers in Metro Vancouver, Canada (2010-2019)
Self-reported injuries and correlates among school-going adolescents in three countries in Western sub-Saharan Africa
Sentinel surveillance of substance-related self-harm in Canadian emergency departments, 2011 - 19
Sex education and self-poisoning in Sri Lanka: an explorative analysis
Sexual harassment among employees and students at a large Swedish university: who are exposed, to what, by whom and where - a cross-sectional prevalence study
Sleepless in inequality: findings from the 2018 behavioral risk factor surveillance system, a cross-sectional study
Social media use and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in young adults: a meta-analysis of 14 cross-sectional studies
Socio-economic disparities in female genital circumcision: finding from a case-control study in Mahabad, Iran
Socioeconomic factors associated with suicidal behaviors in South Korea: systematic review on the current state of evidence
Spatial clustering of heroin-related overdose incidents: a case study in Cincinnati, Ohio
Spatial-temporal trends in the risk of illicit drug toxicity death in British Columbia
Stakeholder insights into implementing a systems-based suicide prevention program in regional and rural Tasmanian communities
Status of Iranian schools' psycho-social environment: cultural adaptation and validation of the Persian version of the W.H.O profile to create Child-Friendly Schools
Strengthening the service experiences of women impacted by gambling-related intimate partner violence
Structural determinants of tailored behavioral health services for sexual and gender minorities in the United States, 2010 to 2020: a panel analysis
Structural interventions that affect racial inequities and their impact on population health outcomes: a systematic review
Structural violence and the need for compassionate use of methadone in Mexico
Suicide rate and social environment characteristics in South Korea: the roles of socioeconomic, demographic, urbanicity, general health behaviors, and other environmental factors on suicide rate
Symptoms of depression and anxiety, and unmet healthcare needs in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
teen Mental Health First Aid: 12-month outcomes from a cluster crossover randomized controlled trial evaluation of a universal program to help adolescents better support peers with a mental health problem
Text mining for identifying the nature of online questions about non-suicidal self-injury
The association between childhood hearing loss and self-reported peer victimisation, depressive symptoms, and self-harm: longitudinal analyses of a prospective, nationally representative cohort study
The association between pupils' aggressive behaviour and burnout among Danish school teachers - the role of stress and social support at work
The association of resilience with depression, anxiety, stress and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic
The burden of mental health-related mortality in the Baltic States in 2007-2018
The burden of risk factors for non-communicable disease in rural Bihar, India: a comparative study with national health surveys
The clusters of health-risk behaviours and mental wellbeing and their sociodemographic correlates: a study of 15,366 ASEAN university students
The effect of the participatory heat education and awareness tools (HEAT) intervention on agricultural worker physiological heat strain: results from a parallel, comparison, group randomized study
The effect of the street environment on two types of essential physical activity in industrial neighborhoods from the perspective of public health: a study from the Harbin low-income population health survey, China
The effectiveness of a "EspaiJove.net"- a school-based intervention programme in increasing mental health knowledge, help seeking and reducing stigma attitudes in the adolescent population: a cluster randomised controlled trial
The effectiveness of an Australian community suicide prevention networks program in preventing suicide: a controlled longitudinal study
The effectiveness of the Healthworks Staying Steady community-based falls prevention exercise programme to improve physical function in older adults: a 6-year service evaluation
The epidemiological characteristic and trends of burns globally
The extent of violence inflicted on adolescent Aboriginal girls in the Northern Territory
The factors influencing the psychological distress of transgender women in Shandong, China: a cross-sectional study
The health consequences of child marriage: a systematic review of the evidence
The impact of 'grounds' on abortion-related outcomes: a synthesis of legal and health evidence
The impact of an unemployment insurance reform on incidence rates of hospitalisation due to alcohol-related disorders: a quasi-experimental study of heterogeneous effects across ethnic background, educational level, employment status, and sex in Sweden
The impact of COVID-19 and associated measures on health, police, and non-government organisation service utilisation related to violence against women and children
The impact of Hurricane Maria on individuals living with non-communicable disease in Puerto Rico: the experience of 10 communities
The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on depression sufferers: a qualitative study from the province of Zaragoza, Spain
The mental health and well-being effects of wildfire smoke: a scoping review
The perceived effects of COVID-19 pandemic on female genital mutilation/cutting and child or forced marriages in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Senegal
The physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers: a national cross-sectional study
The pillars of health: influence of multiple lifestyle behaviors on body mass index and depressive symptoms in adult twins
The power of local research to inform adverse childhood experiences in substance use prevention in adolescents and adults
The predictive power of geographic health care utilization for unintentional fatal fall rates
The public health exposome and pregnancy-related mortality in the United States: a high-dimensional computational analysis
The relationship between depression symptoms and academic performance among first-year undergraduate students at a South African university: a cross-sectional study
The role of community factors in predicting depressive symptoms among Chinese workforce: a longitudinal study in rural and urban settings
The role of psychosocial factors in explaining sex differences in major depression and generalized anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic
The role of school connectedness in the prevention of youth depression and anxiety: a systematic review with youth consultation
The role of the livestock auction mart in promoting help-seeking behavior change among farmers in the UK
The role of trauma and positive youth development in polysubstance use among rural middle school students: a latent class analysis
The temporal trend of cause-specific mortality: comparing Estonia and Lithuania, 2001 - 2019
The TROLLEY Study: assessing travel, health, and equity impacts of a new light rail transit investment during the COVID-19 pandemic
The UK stand together trial: protocol for a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa to reduce bullying in primary schools
The use of mobile phone applications to enhance personal safety from interpersonal violence - an overview of available smartphone applications in the United Kingdom
The wellbeing needs of social housing tenants in Australia: an exploratory study
To what extent do Australian child and youth health, and education wellbeing policies, address the social determinants of health and health equity? A policy analysis study
Towards health equity: core components of an extended home visiting intervention in disadvantaged areas of Sweden
Under age five children survival times in Nigeria: a Bayesian spatial modeling approach
Understanding occupational safety and health surveillance: expert consensus on components, attributes and example measures for an evaluation framework
Understanding the relationship between social support and mental health of humanitarian migrants resettled in Australia
Unhealthy alcohol use and intimate partner violence among men and women living with HIV in Uganda
Using threshold analysis to assess the robustness of public health intervention recommendations from network meta-analyses: application to accident prevention in households with children under five
Validation studies of verbal autopsy methods: a systematic review
Violence against women from partners and other household members during COVID-19 in Burkina Faso and Kenya
Visual impairment and falls among older adults and elderly: evidence from Longitudinal Ageing Study in India
What can we do when the smoke rolls in? An exploratory qualitative analysis of the impacts of rural wildfire smoke on mental health and wellbeing, and opportunities for adaptation
What causes loneliness among household heads: a study based in primary setting in Mumbai, India
What factors influence implementation of whole-school interventions aiming to promote student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence? Systematic review and synthesis of process evaluations
What helps older people persevere with yoga classes? A realist process evaluation of a COVID-19-affected yoga program for fall prevention
What is the impact of structural and cultural factors and interventions within educational settings on promoting positive mental health and preventing poor mental health: a systematic review
Why some do but too many don't? Barriers and enablers to physical activity in regional Tasmania - an exploratory, mixed-methods study
Work after mental-health-related absence: a qualitative study of perceived change after a combination of metacognitive therapy and work-focused interventions
Work-related injuries among 5 - 17 years-old working children in Egypt: findings from a national child labor survey
Youth voices and experiences regarding a school-based cognitive behavioral therapy skills intervention: lessons for future engagement and adaptation