"I am going out!" - lifestyle sports and physical activity in adolescents
"Mapping suicide prevention initiatives targeting Indigenous Sámi in Nordic countries"
"My right to walk, my right to live": pedestrian fatalities, roads and environmental features in Benin
"Y no quedó nada, nada de la casa, todo salió volando" (And there was nothing left, nothing of the house, everything flew away): a critical medical ecological perspective on the lived experience of hurricane María in Puerto Rico
A Bayesian network based study on determining the relationship between job stress and safety climate factors in occurrence of accidents
A cross-sectional study of characteristics of bicyclist upper and lower extremity injuries in bicycle-vehicle crashes in Ohio, United States, 2013-2017
A cross-sectional study of community perceptions of stigmatization amongst women affected by UN-peacekeeper perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse
A cross-sectional study of opioid involvement in non-poisoning suicide - risks and prevention opportunities
A GIS based approach to neighbourhood physical environment and walking among adults in Colombo municipal council area, Sri Lanka
A heat-health watch and warning system with extended season and evolving thresholds
A historical overview of legislated alcohol policy in the Northern Territory of Australia: 1979-2021
A longitudinal study of suicide and suicide attempt in northwest of Iran: incidence, predictors, and socioeconomic status and the role of sociocultural status
A multicenter study of short-term changes in mental health emergency services use during lockdown in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic
A qualitative investigation of mental health in women of refugee background resettled in Tasmania, Australia
A randomized control trial to test a peer support group approach for reducing social isolation and depression among female Mexican immigrants
A rapid review of the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of healthcare workers: implications for supporting psychological well-being
A review of the quantitative effectiveness evidence synthesis methods used in public health intervention guidelines
A scoping review of female drowning: an underexplored issue in five high-income countries
A simulation experiment study to examine the effects of noise on miners' safety behavior in underground coal mines
A systematic review of health sector responses to the coincidence of disasters and COVID-19
A technology-based intervention to improve safety, mental health and empowerment outcomes for immigrant women with intimate partner violence experiences: it's weWomen plus sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) protocol
Acceptability and fidelity of a psychosocial intervention (PROACTIVE) for older adults with depression in a basic health unit in São Paulo, Brazil: a qualitative study
Activity in nature mediates a park prescription intervention's effects on physical activity, park use and quality of life: a mixed-methods process evaluation
Adaptation and evaluation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth for Chinese children (NEWS-CC)
Adverse childhood experiences and depression among women in rural Pakistan
Adverse childhood experiences and future self-rated health: a prospective cohort study
Adverse childhood experiences and health among indigenous persons experiencing homelessness
Adverse childhood experiences and substance misuse in young people in India: results from the multisite cVEDA cohort
Alcohol policies, firearm policies, and suicide in the United States: a lagged cross-sectional study
Alcohol policy compliance among retailers in Bhutan: a multisite community intervention study
Alcohol use, intimate partner violence, and HIV sexual risk behavior among young people in fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda
An exploratory qualitative study of the prevention of road traffic collisions and neurotrauma in India: perspectives from key informants in an Indian industrial city (Visakhapatnam)
An investigation of depression, anxiety, and stress and its relating factors during COVID-19 pandemic in Iran
Analysis of factors affecting students going to school toilets in a rural primary school in China
Analysis of work-related accidents and ill-health in Brazil since the introduction of the accident prevention factor
Are park availability and satisfaction with neighbourhood parks associated with physical activity and time spent outdoors?
Are return to work beliefs, psychological well-being and perceived health related to return-to-work intentions among women on long-term sick leave for common mental disorders? A cross-sectional study based on the theory of planned behaviour
Are wearable devices effective for preventing and detecting falls: an umbrella review (a review of systematic reviews)
Assessing the effectiveness of an app-based child unintentional injury prevention intervention for caregivers of rural Chinese preschoolers: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Assessing the reliability and validity of attitudes and confidence scales for the care of women and girls affected by female genital mutilation/cutting
Association between intimate partner violence during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth
Association between pesticide exposure and sleep health among a representative sample of US adults: evidence from NHANES 2009-2014
Association between sexual orientation acceptance and suicidal ideation, substance use, and internalised homophobia amongst the pink carpet Y cohort study of young gay, bisexual, and queer men in Singapore
Association between sitting time at work and the onset of major depressive episode: a 1-year prospective cohort study using the Bayesian regression
Association between the social isolation and depressive symptoms after the great East Japan earthquake: findings from the baseline survey of the TMM CommCohort study
Association between urban environment and mental health in Brussels, Belgium
Association of chronic diseases and lifestyle factors with suicidal ideation among adults aged 18-69 years in Eswatini: evidence from a population-based survey
Association of intimate partner violence and other risk factors with HIV infection among married women in India: evidence from National Family Health Survey 2015-16
Association of source country gender inequality with experiencing assault and poor mental health among young female immigrants to Ontario, Canada
Associations between adolescents' internalizing problems and well-being: is there a buffering role of boys' and girls' relationships with their mothers and fathers?
Associations between depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, their comorbidity and health-related quality of life: a large-scale cross-sectional study
Associations between neighborhood violence during pregnancy and birth outcomes: evidence from São Paulo's Western Region Birth Cohort
Associations between pain, self-efficacy, sleep duration, and symptoms of depression in adolescents: a cross-sectional survey
Associations of changes in neighbourhood walkability with changes in walking activity in older adults: a fixed effects analysis
Avoidable deaths in Sweden, 1997-2018: temporal trend and the contribution to the gender gap in life expectancy
Backyard benefits? A cross-sectional study of yard size and greenness and children's physical activity and outdoor play
Bayesian regression model with application to a study of food insecurity in household level: a cross sectional study
Beyond choice architecture: advancing the science of changing behaviour at scale
Beyond torture checklists: an exploratory study of the reliability and construct validity of the Torturing Environment Scale (TES)
Born in Brussels screening tool: the development of a screening tool measuring antenatal psychosocial vulnerability
Cannabis use and patterns among middle and older aged Canadians prior to legalization: a sex-specific analysis of the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey
Challenges and lessons learned in mental health research among refugees: a community-based study in Turkey
Changes in child abuse experience associated to sleep quality: results of the Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey
Cherish your children: socio-economic and demographic characteristics associated with child mortality
Child marriage among Somali refugees in Ethiopia: a cross sectional survey of adolescent girls and adult women
Childcare practices among teenage mothers in Ghana: a qualitative study using the ecological systems theory
Childhood maltreatment and self-harm in Chinese adolescents: moderation and mediation via resilience
Circumstances and toxicology of violence-related deaths among young people who have had contact with the youth justice system: a data linkage study
Co-occurrence subgroups of child sexual abuse, health risk behaviors and their associations among secondary school students in China
Community participation of community dwelling older adults: a cross-sectional study
Comorbidities and psychosocial factors as correlates of self-reported falls in a nationwide sample of community-dwelling people aging with HIV in Germany
Comparison of physical and psychological health outcomes for motorcyclists and other road users after land transport crashes: an inception cohort study
Conceptual causal models of socioeconomic status, family structure, family functioning and their role in public health
Correction to: Is adolescent multiple risk behaviour associated with reduced socioeconomic status in young adulthood and do those with low socioeconomic backgrounds experience greater negative impact? Findings from two UK birth cohort studies
Correction to: Prevalence of conduct problems and social risk factors in ethnically diverse inner-city schools
Correction to: Tweeting about twenty: an analysis of interest, public sentiments and opinion about 20mph speed restrictions in two UK cities
Correlates of psychological intimate partner violence with HIV care outcomes on patients in HIV care
Cumulative effect of risk and protective factors on unintentional injury for Chinese rural children: a nested case-control study
Decolonising violence against women research: a study design for co-developing violence prevention interventions with communities in low and middle income countries (LMICs)
Defending the city's cleanliness with their lives? A study of road traffic collisions involving sanitation workers in China over five years
Delaying sexual onset: outcome of a comprehensive sexuality education initiative for adolescents in public schools
Delineating patterns of sexualized substance use and its association with sexual and mental health outcomes among young gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Singapore: a latent class analysis
Depression in public officials during the COVID-19 pandemic in Paraguay: a web-based study
Developing a framework for cash transfer programs that foster sustained economic empowerment to reduce sexual risk among adolescent girls and young women: a qualitative study
Developing trauma resilient communities through community capacity-building
Differential impacts of ridesharing on alcohol-related crashes by socioeconomic municipalities: rate of technology adoption matters
Do perceived social neighborhood factors explain the association between neighborhood age composition and mental health among Dutch older adults?
Do weight perception and bullying victimization account for links between weight status and mental health among adolescents?
Does husband's alcohol consumption increase the risk of domestic violence during the pregnancy and postpartum periods in Nepalese women?
Domestic violence and abuse related emergency room visits in Ontario, Canada
Domestic violence in Mozambique: from policy to practice
Driver-passenger communicative stress and psychological distress among Chinese bus drivers: the mediating effect of job burnout
Drivers and consequences of child marriage in a context of protracted displacement: a qualitative study among Syrian refugees in Egypt
Early-life maternal attachment and risky health behaviours in adolescence: findings from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study
Economic abuse and its associations with symptoms of common mental disorders among women in a cross-sectional survey in informal settlements in Mumbai, India
Economic burden of work injuries and diseases: a framework and application in five European Union countries
Education, household income, and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older Japanese adults
Effect of educational intervention on safe traffic behaviors of high school male students in Iran, using the theory of planned behavior: a quasi-experimental study
Effect of long working hours and insomnia on depressive symptoms among employees of Chinese internet companies
Effects of trees, gardens, and nature trails on heat index and child health: design and methods of the Green Schoolyards Project
Estimated number of seriously injured road users admitted to hospital in France between 2010 and 2017, based on medico-administrative data
Estimating exposure to neighborhood crime by race and ethnicity for public health research
Estimating the indirect prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting in Switzerland
Evaluation of a mobile safety center's impact on pediatric home safety behaviors
Examining the relationship between food insecurity and causes of injury in Canadian adults and adolescents
Experience of and factors associated with violence against sexual and gender minorities in nine African countries: a cross-sectional study
Experiences and factors associated with transphobic hate crimes among transgender women in the San Francisco Bay Area: comparisons across race
Exploring antenatal care utilization and intimate partner violence in Benin - are lives at stake?
Exploring the benefits of participation in community-based running and walking events: a cross-sectional survey of Parkrun participants
Exploring the concept inability to work fulltime in the context of work disability assessments: a qualitative study
Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of integrating screening for gender-based violence into HIV counselling and testing for adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania and South Africa
Exploring the use of workplaces to recruit "hard-to-reach" male drinkers to a survey on alcohol use and awareness of health messages
Expression of concern to: A protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial testing an empowerment intervention to prevent sexual assault in upper primary school adolescents in the informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya
Factors associated with different levels of daytime sleepiness among Korean construction drivers: a cross-sectional study
Factors associated with experiencing sexual violence among female gender-based violence survivors in conflict-afflicted eastern Ukraine
Firearm laws and the network of firearm movement among US states
Frequency and determinants of domestic violence against Iranian women during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national cross-sectional survey
Gender differences in depressive symptoms of rural Chinese grandparents caring for grandchildren
Global socioeconomic inequality in the burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases and injuries: an analysis on global burden of disease study 2019
Health capabilities and the determinants of infant mortality in Brazil, 2004-2015: an innovative methodological framework
Heatwave-protective knowledge and behaviour among urban populations: a multi-country study in Tunisia, Georgia and Israel
Hidden patterns among the fatally injured pedestrians in an Iranian population: application of categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA)
Hospitalization of unintentional fall injuries in Kuwait: a national database study
Hotspots of female genital mutilation/cutting and associated factors among girls in Ethiopia: a spatial and multilevel analysis
Housing First Combined with Suicide Treatment Education and Prevention (HOME + STEP): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
How might the 'Icelandic model' for preventing substance use among young people be developed and adapted for use in Scotland? Utilising the consolidated framework for implementation research in a qualitative exploratory study
Identifying socio-demographic risk factors for suicide using data on an individual level
Impact of parent-child separation on children's social-emotional development: a cross-sectional study of left-behind children in poor rural areas of China
Impacts of injury severity on long-term outcomes following motor vehicle crashes
Implementation of a model of awareness-raising for taxi motorcyclists in Benin in relation to helmet use: protocol for a quasi-experimental study
Importance of pesticides for lethal poisoning in India during 1999 to 2018: a systematic review
Improving cause of death certification in the Philippines: implementation of an electronic verbal autopsy decision support tool (SmartVA auto-analyse) to aid physician diagnoses of out-of-facility deaths
Impulsivity mediates the association between parenting styles and self-harm in Chinese adolescents
Incidence of PTSD and generalized anxiety symptoms during the first wave of COVID-19 outbreak: an exploratory study of a large sample of the Italian population
Influence of insurance type on rate and type of initial concussion-related medical visits among youth
Informal care and the impact on depression and anxiety among Swedish adults: a population-based cohort study
Integrated knowledge translation to strengthen public policy research: a case study from experimental research on income assistance receipt among people who use drugs
Integrating health literacy into a theory-based drug-use prevention program: a quasi-experimental study among junior high students in Taiwan
Interpersonal violence in a deprived Scottish urban area with aggregations of physical health risks and psychiatric morbidity: an ecological study
Intersecting systemic and personal barriers to accessing social services: qualitative interviews in northern California
Intimate partner violence and maternal health services utilization: evidence from 36 national household surveys
Intimate partner violence during COVID-19 lockdown in Norway: the increase of police reports
It may cost an arm and a leg: workers value and occupational fatality rates in the U.S
Key stakeholder perspectives on the development and real-world implementation of a home-based physical activity program for mothers at risk of postnatal depression: a qualitative study
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care providers trained in responding to violence against women: a pre- and post-intervention study
Letter to the editor regarding the article "The global distribution of acute unintentional pesticide poisoning: estimations based on a systematic review"
Life in a time of COVID: a mixed method study of the changes in lifestyle, mental and psychosocial health during and after lockdown in Western Australians
Life weariness, suicidal thoughts and mortality: a sixteen-year longitudinal study among men and women older than 60 years
Lifestyle habits and depressive symptoms in Norwegian adolescents: a national cross-sectional study
Loneliness and mental health among the elderly in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
Maternal stress and depressive symptoms and adolescents' body mass index: a prospective study
Mental distress among young adults - gender differences in the role of social support
Mental health consequences of long-term stays in refugee camps: preliminary evidence from Moria
Mental health impact among hospital staff in the aftermath of the Nice 2016 terror attack: the ECHOS de Nice study
Mental health symptoms and inflammatory markers among HIV infected patients in Tanzania
Mental health, potential minority stressors and resilience: evidence from a cross-sectional survey of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men within the Celtic nations
mHealth intervention for multiple lifestyle behaviour change among high school students in Sweden (LIFE4YOUth): protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Misclassification and characterization of exposure to humidifier disinfectants using a questionnaire
Modelling local patterns of child mortality risk: a Bayesian Spatio-temporal analysis
Moderating effect of people-oriented public health services on depression among people under mandatory social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in China
Monitoring stress and allostatic load in first responders and tactical operators using heart rate variability: a systematic review
Mortality in homeless people enrolled in the French housing first randomized controlled trial: a secondary outcome analysis of predictors and causes of death
National or population level interventions addressing the social determinants of mental health - an umbrella review
Neighborhood farm density, types of agriculture, and depressive symptoms among older farmers: a cross-sectional study
News media coverage of extreme risk protection order policies surrounding the Parkland shooting: a mixed-methods analysis
Occupational stress among farm and ranch operators in the midwestern United States
On-site personal protective equipment signage and use by road construction workers in Ghana: a comparative study of foreign- and locally-owned companies
Opportunities for prevention: a data-linkage study to inform a public health response to youth offending in the Northern Territory, Australia
Over-the-counter analgesics use is associated with pain and psychological distress among adolescents: a mixed effects approach in cross-sectional survey data from Norway
Pathways to care: a case study of traffic injury in Vietnam
Peer victimisation during adolescence and its impact on wellbeing in adulthood: a prospective cohort study
Perception and experiences of sexual harassment among women working in hospitality workplaces of Bahir Dar city, Northwest Ethiopia: a qualitative study
Perceptions of females about trauma-informed services for survivors of sexual violence in south western Uganda- a qualitative study
Perceptions of minimum age at marriage laws and their enforcement: qualitative evidence from Malawi
Perspectives of parents of working adolescents in Ontario, Canada
Postpartum depression symptoms in survey-based research: a structural equation analysis
Preceding child survival status and its effect on infant and child mortality in India: an evidence from National Family Health Survey 2015-16
Prevalence and associated factors of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders and insomnia among visually impaired Japanese individuals
Prevalence and determinants of violence against health care in the metropolitan city of Peshawar: a cross sectional study
Prevalence and factors associated with intimate partner violence among the adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: findings the 2017 population based cross-sectional survey
Prevalence and factors associated with major depression among female sex workers in post-conflict Gulu district: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence and factors associated with PTSD among female urban slum dwellers in Ibadan, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence of abuse among the elderly population of Syangja, Nepal
Prevalence of conduct problems and social risk factors in ethnically diverse inner-city schools
Prevalence of elder abuse and victim-related risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in China
Preventing opioid use among justice-involved youth as they transition to adulthood: leveraging safe adults (LeSA)
Production losses attributable to suicide deaths in European Union
Project SUMS (scaling up of mental health in schools): design and methods for a pragmatic, cluster randomised waitlist-controlled trial on integrated school mental health intervention for adolescents
Promoting mental health in migrants: a GHQ12-evaluation of a community health program in Sweden
Psychological and physiological stress and burnout among maternity providers in a rural county in Kenya: individual and situational predictors
Psychological characteristics of suicide attempters among undergraduate college students in China: a cross-sectional study
Psychological distress, burnout, and coping strategies among Nigerian primary school teachers: a school-based cross-sectional study
Psychometrics of Persian version of the 11 items De Jong Gierveld loneliness scale among an Iranian older adults population
Pushing for the same thing on the same set of tracks: a qualitative study exploring the anti-trafficking response in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
Quantifying prescribed high dose opioids in the community and risk of overdose
Race/ethnicity differences in risk and protective factors for marijuana use among U.S. adolescents
Reducing behavioral health symptoms by addressing minority stressors in LGBTQ adolescents: a randomized controlled trial of Proud & Empowered
Reducing physical and emotional violence by teachers using the intervention Interaction Competencies with Children - for Teachers (ICC-T): study protocol of a multi-country cluster randomized controlled trial in Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda
Refining Black men's depression measurement using participatory approaches: a concept mapping study
Relationship between income inequality, socioeconomic development, vulnerability index, and maternal mortality in Brazil, 2017
Relationships between age at first substance use and persistence of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder
Resilience mediates the association between self-harm and suicidal ideation in Chinese left-behind children
Response to: "letter to the editor regarding the article "the global distribution of acute unintentional pesticide poisoning: estimations based on a systematic review"" by Dunn et al. 2021 in BMC public health
Responsibility for chemical exposures: perspectives from small beauty salons and auto shops in southern metropolitan Tucson
Rigorous evaluation of a substance use and teen pregnancy prevention program for American Indian girls and their female caregivers: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Risk and protective factors of drug abuse among adolescents: a systematic review
Risk of stress/depression and functional impairment in Denmark immediately following a COVID-19 shutdown
Risky motorcycle riding behaviour among young riders in Manipal, India
Routine mortality surveillance to identify the cause of death pattern for out-of-hospital adult (aged 12+ years) deaths in Bangladesh: introduction of automated verbal autopsy
Satisfying medical and rehabilitation needs positively influences returning to work after a work-related injury: an analysis of national panel data from 2018 to 2019
Sex differences and psychological stress: responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in China
Sickness absence and disability pension among injured working-aged pedestrians - a population-based Swedish register study
Six things to know about the homicides of doctors: a review of 30 years from Italy
Sleep and its relation to health-related quality of life in 3-10-year-old children
Sleep problems are related to commuting accidents rather than to workplace accidents
Snapshot of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances in Kuwait: analysis of illicit drugs use in Kuwait from 2015 to 2018
Social determinants of multimorbidity in Jamaica: application of latent class analysis in a cross-sectional study
Socio-economic consequences of mental distress: quantifying the impact of self-reported mental distress on the days of incapacity to work and medical costs in a two-year period: a longitudinal study in Germany
Socioeconomic inequalities in 29 childhood diseases: evidence from a 1,500,000 children population retrospective study
Somatic distress among Syrian refugees with residence permission in Germany: analysis of a cross-sectional register-based study
Spatial pattern of the population casualty rate caused by super typhoon Lekima and quantification of the interactive effects of potential impact factors
Structural family factors and bullying at school: a large scale investigation based on a Chinese adolescent sample
Study protocol for Healthy Conversations @ Playgroup: a multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial of an intervention to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours in young children attending community playgroups
Study protocol: a non-randomised community trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Communities That Care prevention system in Germany
Study protocol: developing and evaluating an interactive web platform to teach children hunting, shooting and firearms safety: a randomized controlled trial
Study protocol: the Norwegian Triple-S Cohort Study - establishing a longitudinal health survey of children and adolescents with experiences of maltreatment
Suicide by pesticide ingestion in Nepal and the impact of pesticide regulation
Suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: a time trend analysis from 1981 to 2018
Supporting parents by combatting social inequalities in health: a realist evaluation
Systematic review and narrative synthesis of suicide prevention in high-schools and universities: a research agenda for evidence-based practice
Take-home naloxone programs for suspected opioid overdose in community settings: a scoping umbrella review
Testing the effects of a prenatal depression preventive intervention on parenting and young children's self-regulation and functioning (EPIC): protocol for a longitudinal observational study
The analysis of the geographical distribution of emergency departments' frequent users: a tool to prioritize public health policies?
The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate Partner violence (IPV) - 2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
The association between obesity and problematic smartphone use among school-age children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study in Shanghai
The association between social ties and depression among Asian and Pacific Islander undocumented young adults
The burden of the current curative expenditure of injury in Dalian, China-a study based on the "system of health accounts 2011"
The effect of average temperature on suicide rates in five urban California counties, 1999-2019: an ecological time series analysis
The effect of depression status change on daily cigarette smoking amount according to sex: an eleven-year follow up study of the Korea Welfare Panel Study
The impact of a maternal mental health intervention on intimate partner violence in Northern Ghana and the mediating roles of social support and couple communication: secondary analysis of a cluster randomized controlled trial
The impact of disinvestment on alcohol and drug treatment delivery and outcomes: a systematic review
The impact of resilience on anxiety and depression among grass-roots civil servants in China
The importance of adverse childhood experiences for labour market trajectories over the life course: a longitudinal study
The importance of having a paid job. Gendered experiences of health and ill-health in daily life among middle-aged women and men
The importance of pre-training gap analyses and the identification of competencies and skill requirements of medical personnel for mass casualty incidents and disaster training
The incidence of construction site injuries to women in Delhi: capture-recapture study
The injury mechanisms and injury pyramids among children and adolescents in Zhuhai City, China
The interaction of adverse childhood experiences and gender as risk factors for depression and anxiety disorders in US adults: a cross-sectional study
The level and trend of road traffic injuries attributable mortality rate in Iran, 1990-2015: a story of successful regulations and a roadmap to design future policies
The longitudinal relationship of school climate with adolescent social and emotional health
The opioid crisis is driving mortality among under-served people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada
The pathways between natural disasters and violence against children: a systematic review
The perceptions and priorities of professionals in health and social welfare and city planning for creating a healthy living environment: a concept mapping study
The potential impacts of community drug checking within the overdose crisis: qualitative study exploring the perspective of prospective service users
The potential role of network-oriented interventions for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence among asylum seekers in Belgium
The prevalence risk of anxiety and its associated factors among university students in Malaysia: a national cross-sectional study
The psychological impact of paediatric burn injuries: a systematic review
The relationship between self-harm and bullying behaviour: results from a population based study of adolescents
The relationship of supportive roles with mental health and satisfaction with life in female household heads in Karaj, Iran: a structural equations model
The road beyond licensing: the impact of a driver licensing support program on employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
The role of gender power relations on women's health outcomes: evidence from a maternal health coverage survey in Simiyu region, Tanzania
The use of coping strategies "shift-persist" mediates associations between physical activity and mental health problems in adolescents: a cross-sectional study
The water incident database (WAID) 2012 to 2019: a systematic evaluation of the documenting of UK drownings
The wound severity of animal bite victims visiting rabies prevention clinics and the influencing factors in Central China: a cross-sectional investigation
Three case studies of community behavioral health support from the US Department of Veterans Affairs after disasters
Time-varying effect of drunk driving regulations on road traffic mortality in Guangzhou, China: an interrupted time-series analysis
Trends and correlates of intimate partner violence experienced by ever-married women of India: results from National Family Health Survey round III and IV
Trends and external causes of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury mortality in south China, 2014-2018: an ecological study
Trends in mortality and life expectancy in Fiji over 20 years
Trends in the association between educational assortative mating, infant and child mortality in Nigeria
Trends, causes and solutions of maternal mortality in Jinan, China: the epidemiology of the MMR in 1991-2020
Tweeting about twenty: an analysis of interest, public sentiments and opinion about 20mph speed restrictions in two UK cities
Understanding family planning outcomes in northwestern Nigeria: analysis and modeling of social and behavior change factors
Understanding measures of racial discrimination and microaggressions among American Indian and Alaska Native college students in the Southwest United States
Validation of a cyberbullying questionnaire as a screening tool for other forms of intimate-partner violence towards young women
Validity of the ACTS intimate partner violence screen in antenatal care: a cross sectional study
Violence and discrimination among Ugandan residents during the COVID-19 lockdown
Wakȟáŋyeža (Little Holy One) - an intergenerational intervention for Native American parents and children: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial with embedded single-case experimental design
Well-being and mental stress in the population study of women in Gothenburg, Sweden: cohort comparisons from 1980 to 2016 of 36-year trends and socioeconomic disparities in 38-and 50-year old women
Who declines to respond to the reactions to race module? Findings from the South Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016-2017
Women's experiences of safety apps for sexualized violence: a narrative scoping review