A cross-sectional analysis of green space prevalence and mental wellbeing in England
A household survey of medicine storage practices in Gondar town, northwestern Ethiopia
A spatio-temporal analysis of suicide in El Salvador
Adolescent alcohol use and parental and adolescent socioeconomic position in six European cities
Age, period and cohort effects on suicide mortality in Russia, 1956-2005
An analysis of suicide trends in Scotland 1950-2014: comparison with England & Wales
An evaluation of outdoor school environments to promote physical activity in Delhi, India
Child sex tourism - prevalence of and risk factors for its use in a German community sample
Childhood pesticide poisoning in Zhejiang, China: a retrospective analysis from 2006 to 2015
Childhood temperament predictors of adolescent physical activity
Cluster randomized evaluation of Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme (AGEP): study protocol
Cumulative exposure to shift work and sickness absence: associations in a five-year historic cohort
Demographic profile and pattern of fatal injuries in Nairobi, Kenya, January-June 2014
Depression, suicidality, and alcohol use disorder among people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
Effect of prohibiting the use of Paraquat on pesticide-associated mortality
Effects of a school-based intervention on active commuting to school and health-related fitness
Erratum to: Disposal practices of unused and expired pharmaceuticals among general public in Kabul
Erratum to: The Healthy Primary School of the Future: study protocol of a quasi-experimental study
Erratum to: Validation of verbal autopsy: determination of cause of deaths in Malaysia 2013
Estimating the number of people who inject drugs in Australia
Ethical issues in public health surveillance: a systematic qualitative review
Geo-demographics of gunshot wound injuries in Miami-Dade county, 2002-2012
Health literacy in childhood and youth: a systematic review of definitions and models
Higher mortality risk among injured individuals in a population-based matched cohort study
Impact of school policies on non-communicable disease risk factors - a systematic review
Increasing educational attainment and mortality reduction: a systematic review and taxonomy
Inside the nation's largest mental health institution: a prevalence study in a state prison system
Job demands and decision control predicted return to work: the rapid-RTW cohort study
Lexical neutrality in environmental health research: reflections on the term walkability
Longitudinal associations between built environment characteristics and changes in active commuting
Metabolic syndrome and depressive symptoms among rural Northeast general population in China
Methodological barriers to studying the association between the economic crisis and suicide in Spain
Mortality by country of birth in the Nordic countries - a systematic review of the literature
National Alcohol Survey of Households in Trinidad and Tobago (NASHTT): alcohol use in households
Neighborhood walk score and selected Cardiometabolic factors in the French RECORD cohort study
Perceptions of activity-supportive environment and motorcycle use among urban Taiwanese adults
Pesticide poisoning in Chitwan, Nepal: a descriptive epidemiological study
Policy lessons from health taxes: a systematic review of empirical studies
Prevalence and determinants of childhood mortality in Nigeria
Promise and pitfalls in the application of big data to occupational and environmental health
Promoting active travel to school: a systematic review (2010-2016)
Questionnaire development and validity to measure sexual intention among youth in Malaysia
Rationale and protocol paper for the Healthy Active Peaceful Playgrounds for Youth (HAPPY) study
Social determinants of depression and suicidal behaviour in the Caribbean: a systematic review
Social relationships, mental health and wellbeing in physical disability: a systematic review
Socioeconomic inequalities in suicide mortality before and after the economic recession in Spain
The epidemiology of drowning in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Unintentional drowning: role of medicinal drugs and alcohol
Users' experiences of wearable activity trackers: a cross-sectional study
Validation of commercial business lists as a proxy for licensed alcohol outlets
Validation of verbal autopsy: determination of cause of deaths in Malaysia 2013
Working conditions and public health risks in slaughterhouses in western Kenya
Working in dissonance: experiences of work instability in workers with common mental disorders
Workplace violence towards nurses in Hong Kong: prevalence and correlates