A central storage facility to reduce pesticide suicides - a feasibility study from India
A theory-based online health behavior intervention for new university students: study protocol
Alcohol drinking among college students: college responsibility for personal troubles
Alcohol use and spousal mental distress in a population sample: the Nord-Trøndelag health study
An examination of the benefits of health promotion programs for the national fire service
Antilock braking system effectiveness in prevention of road traffic crashes in Iran
Beverage consumption and individual-level associations in South Korea
Characteristics of non-fatal self-poisoning in Sri Lanka: a systematic review
Completeness and accuracy of crash outcome data in a cohort of cyclists: a validation study
Development, scoring, and reliability of the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS)
Effectiveness of home visiting programs on child outcomes: a systematic review
Effects of parenting practices on sexual risk-taking among young people in Cameroon
Evaluation of a workplace intervention to promote commuter cycling: A RE-AIM analysis
Fear of crime and the environment: Systematic review of UK qualitative evidence
History of dating violence and the association with late adolescent health
How do motorcyclists manage mental tensions of risky riding?
Increases in alcohol consumption in women and elderly groups: evidence from an epidemiological study
Interventions to reduce suicides at suicide hotspots: a systematic review
Intimate partner violence and help-seeking -- a cross-sectional study of women in Sweden
Mapping and exploring health systems' response to intimate partner violence in Spain
Modeling predictors of risky drug use behavior among male street laborers in urban Vietnam
Mortality following unemployment in Canada, 1991--2001
Nonprescribed use of tranquilizers or sedatives by adolescents: a Brazilian national survey
Poor mental health in Ghana: who is at risk?
Population based case-control study of serious non-fatal motorcycle crashes
Population-based incidences of non-fatal injuries - results of the German-wide telephone survey 2004
Prevalence of sexual, physical and emotional abuse in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
Rank, job stress, psychological distress and physical activity among military personnel
Services just for men? Insights from a national study of the well men services pilots
Sex knowledge, attitudes, and high-risk sexual behaviors among unmarried youth in Hong Kong
The possible impact of an alcohol welfare surcharge on consumption of alcoholic beverages in Taiwan
Traffic medicine--related research: a scientometric analysis
Violence against women in sex work and HIV risk implications differ qualitatively by perpetrator