A life course approach to injury prevention: A "lens and telescope" conceptual model
A step forward for understanding the morbidity burden in Guinea: a national descriptive study
Alcohol consumption in tertiary education students
Alert but less alarmed: a pooled analysis of terrorism threat perception in Australia
Are we there yet? Australian road safety targets and road traffic crash fatalities
Burden of traumatic spine fractures in Tehran, Iran
Chain of care for patients who have attempted suicide: a follow-up study from Baerum, Norway
Children's active play: Self-reported motivators, barriers and facilitators
Current drinking and health-risk behaviors among male high school students in central Thailand
Differential relationships of family drinking with alcohol expectancy among urban school children
Drug suicide: a sex-equal cause of death in 16 European countries
Effects of a parental program for preventing underage drinking - The NGO program Strong and Clear
Experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among Ugandan university students
Factors associated with chemical burns in Zhejiang province, China: An epidemiological study
Family social environment in childhood and self-rated health in young adulthood
Fatal alcohol intoxication in women: A forensic autopsy study from Slovakia
Health care seeking among detained undocumented migrants: a cross-sectional study
Health risk factors and self-rated health among job-seekers
Injury Rates and Injury Risk Factors Among Federal Bureau of Investigation New Agent Trainees
Internet-based Self-Assessment after the Tsunami: lessons learned
Interventions to improve work outcomes in work-related PTSD: a systematic review
Measuring walking within and outside the neighborhood in Chinese elders: reliability and validity
Military veteran mortality following a survived suicide attempt
Mortality among Norwegian medical doctors 1960-2000
Mortality from suicide and other external cause injuries in China: a prospective cohort study
Parental willingness to pay for child safety seats in Mashad, Iran
Parenting strategies for reducing adolescent alcohol use: a Delphi consensus study
Physical activity patterns in older men and women in Germany: a cross-sectional study
Policy guidance on threats to legislative interventions in public health: a realist synthesis
Population Based Estimates of Non Fatal Injuries in the Capital of Iran
Reliability of Routinely Collected Hospital Data for Child Maltreatment Surveillance
Repeat workers' compensation claims: Risk factors, costs and work disability
Socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics of illegal motorcycle street racers in Malaysia
Spring cleaning as a safety risk: results of a population-based study in two consecutive years
Suffering in silence: consequences of sexual violence within marriage among young women in Nepal
Suicide in the Philippines: Time trend analysis (1974-2005) and literature review
The Correlates of Leisure Time Physical Activity among an Adults Population from Southern Taiwan
The Foxconn suicides and their media prominence: Is the Werther Effect applicable in China?
The injury epidemiology of cyclists based on a road trauma registry
Trends in Poisoning Hospitalization and Mortality in Taiwan, 1999-2008: a retrospective analysis
Trends in solids/liquids poisoning suicide rates in Taiwan: a test of the substitution hypothesis