A daily process examination of the temporal association between alcohol use and verbal and physical aggression in community couples
Are all alcohol and energy drink users the same? Examining individual variation in relation to alcohol mixed with energy drink use, risky drinking, and consequences
Differential trajectories of alcohol-related behaviors across the first year of college by parenting profiles
Does negative affect mediate the relationship between daily PTSD symptoms and daily alcohol involvement in female rape victims? Evidence from 14 days of interactive voice response assessment
Gender differences in relationships among PTSD severity, drinking motives, and alcohol use in a comorbid alcohol dependence and PTSD sample
Interrelationships among individual differences in alcohol demand, impulsivity, and alcohol misuse
New approaches for examining associations with latent categorical variables: Applications to substance abuse and aggression
Proximal relationships between PTSD symptoms and drinking among female college students: Results from a daily monitoring study
Reliability of the timeline followback for cocaine, cannabis, and cigarette use
The comparative effectiveness of individual and group brief motivational interventions for mandated college students
The Effects of Alcohol, Emotion Regulation, and Emotional Arousal on the Dating Aggression Intentions of Men and Women
What Are Other Parents Saying? Perceived Parental Communication Norms and the Relationship Between Alcohol-Specific Parental Communication and College Student Drinking