Bidirectional influences of anxiety and depression in young children
Child ADHD and ODD behavior interacts with parent ADHD symptoms to worsen parenting and interparental communication
Do specific transitional patterns of antisocial behavior during adolescence increase risk for problems in young adulthood?
Maternal emotion regulation mediates the association between adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and parenting
Reducing bullying and victimization: Student- and classroom-level mechanisms of change
Reinforcement Enhances Vigilance Among Children With ADHD: Comparisons to Typically Developing Children and to the Effects of Methylphenidate
School climate and delinquency among Chinese adolescents: analyses of effortful control as a moderator and deviant peer affiliation as a mediator
School-related factors in the development of bullying perpetration and victimization: introduction to the special section
Taking peer victimization research to the next level: complex interactions among genes, teacher attitudes/behaviors, peer ecologies, & classroom characteristics
Teacher characteristics and peer victimization in elementary schools: A classroom-level perspective
The Impact of Chronic Physical Illness, Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Family Functioning, and Self-esteem on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children