Biomechanical and clinical interpretation of firearm wounds. general problems. VI. propedeutic abc of terminal ballistics
Biomechanical and clinical interpretation of firearm wounds. general problems. VII. propedeutic abc of terminal ballistics
Biomechanical-clinical interpretation of firearm wounds. general problems. IX. propedeutic abc of terminal ballistics
Biomechanical-clinical interpretation of firearm wounds. general problems. VIII. propedeutic abc of terminal ballistics
Biomechanical-clinical interpretation of firearm wounds. general problems. X. propedeutic abc of terminal ballistics
Biomechanical-clinical interpretation of firearm wounds. general problems. XI. propedeutic abc of terminal ballistics
Propedeutic to general problems of the hypothesis of a new "open" interpretation of firearm wounds of soft tissues
Terminal ballistics. 1
Terminal ballistics. 2. (the skin)
Terminal ballistics. 3