Alcohol and conflict. Role of drug-dependent learning in the rat
Alcoholism and teetotalism in blood relatives of abstaining alcoholics
Attitudes of nurses and nursing students toward alcoholism treatment
Color-vision defects in alcoholism
Control orientation as a personality dimension among alcoholics
Difficulties of disulfiram therapy with alcoholics
Drinking and attitudes toward drinking in a Muslim community
Felons who drink: an 8-year follow-up
Field dependence and cognitive, perceptual and motor skills in alcoholics. A factor-analytic study
Hospital insurance of alcoholic patients
Influence of ethanol on carbohydrate metabolism. A review
Marathon therapy with alcoholics
Merging the treatment of drug addicts into an existing program for alcoholics
Patients admitted for treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndromes. An epidemiological study
Physicians look at a general hospital alcoholism service
Psychological test characteristics and length of stay in alcoholism treatment
Treatment of hospitalized alcoholics with doxepin and diazepam. A controlled study