A brief report on rape myth acceptance: differences between police officers, law students, and psychology students in the United Kingdom
Direct and indirect violence exposure: relations to depression for economically disadvantaged ethnic minority mid-adolescents
Help-seeking patterns among women experiencing intimate partner violence: do they forgo the criminal justice system if their adjudication wishes are not met?
Impact of a court-referred psychological treatment program for intimate partner batterer men with suspended sentences
Individual and interpersonal risk factors for physical intimate partner violence perpetration by biological sex and ethnicity
Interpersonal difficulties mediate the relationship between child sexual abuse and depression symptoms
Links between the police response and women's psychological outcomes following intimate partner violence
Neighborhood firearm victimization rates and social capital over time
Perceptions of sexual assault victims/survivors: the influence of sexual history and body weight
Sexual revictimization: the impact of attachment anxiety, accumulated trauma, and response to childhood sexual abuse disclosure