Defining appropriate stages of change for intimate partner violence survivors
Exploring the relationship between childhood maltreatment and intimate partner abuse: gender differences in the mediating role of emotion dysregulation
Intimate partner violence among Hispanic men and women: the role of drinking, neighborhood disorder, and acculturation-related factors
Intimate partner violence and community service needs among pregnant and postpartum Latina women
Is psychological aggression as detrimental as physical aggression? The independent effects of psychological aggression on depression and anxiety symptoms
Longitudinal examination of physical and relational aggression as precursors to later problem behaviors in adolescents
Prevalence and risk factors of gender-based violence committed by male college students in Awassa, Ethiopia
Relationships between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior
Sexual assault in men: a population-based study of Virginia