A new era for drinking? Epidemiological evidence on adolescent male-female differences in drinking incidence in the United States and Europe
Childhood hyperactivity and mood problems at mid-life: evidence from a prospective birth cohort
Education as a social pathway from parental socioeconomic position to depression in late adolescence and early adulthood: a Finnish population-based register study
Epidemiological patterns and correlates of mental disorders among orphans and vulnerable children under institutional care
Facilitating mental health screening of war-torn populations using mobile applications
Family socioeconomic position in early life and onset of depressive symptoms and depression: a prospective cohort study
Mental health of children who work on the streets in Brazil after enrollment in a psychosocial program
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms mediate the relationship between substance misuse and violent offending among female prisoners
Psychosocial factors associated with mother-child violence: a household survey
The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder in Norway: trauma characteristics and pre-existing psychiatric disorders
Veterans are not the only ones suffering from posttraumatic stress symptoms: what do we know about dependents' secondary traumatic stress?
Who is going to rescue the rescuers? Post-traumatic stress disorder among rescue workers operating in Greece during the European refugee crisis