A study of cognitive loading in dual-coding theory
An alternative measure of the frequency of suicide and homicide and its social correlates
Belief in paranormal phenomena and an external locus of control
Correlates of accuracy in judging genuine versus simulated suicide notes
Do how-to-commit-suicide manuals increase the suicide rate?
Field sobriety tests: are they designed for failure?
Illegal blood alcohol levels and traffic death rates
Lateralized visual-field inattention in schizophrenia
Melancholia: a Defense Mechanism Test study
Monitoring radio programs and time of day affect simulated car-driving performance
On the relationship between handedness and season of birth for men
Response velocity, range of movement, and timing accuracy
Sex differences in methods for suicide
Social correlates of the percentage of suicides and homicides employing firearms
Suicide by jumping in Singapore as a function of high-rise apartment availability