Amplitude, position, timing and velocity as cues in reproduction of movement
Auditory perceptual tasks as predictors of first grade reading success
Bender-Gestalt protocols of adult Negro male offenders: normative data
Characteristic motor development of children with learning disabilities
Conceptual structure and conceptual tempo
Cross-cultural developmental performance of Navajo children on the Bender-Gestalt test
Differential aspects of attention in brain-damaged persons
Differing "creativities" in the wit and the clown
Effect of extraneous "background" on visual-perceptual performance of readers and non-readers
Effects of field-dependency on weight comparisons
Effects of manifest anxiety and auditory distraction on a Motor Steadiness Battery
Field dependence and psychological differentiation: reexamination
Improvement of absolute distance estimation underwater
Lateral preference and ability to conserve multiple spatial relations by mentally retarded children
Motor performance tests of handedness and motivation
Social reinforcement effects on motor performance as a function of socio-economic status
Structural models and embedded-figure difficulty for normal and retarded children
Visual-tactile and tactile-tactile paired-associate learning by normal and poor readers