An empirical method to estimate fatalities caused by earthquakes: the case of the Ahar-Varzaghan earthquakes (Iran)
Analysis of ice disasters on ultra-high-voltage direct-current transmission lines
Assessment of reduced-complexity landscape evolution model suitability to adequately simulate flood events in complex flow conditions
Disaster prevention, disaster preparedness and local community resilience within the context of disaster risk management in Cameroon
Disaster risk perception in urban contexts and for people with disabilities: case study on the city of Iquique (Chile)
Estimation of flood quantiles at gauged and ungauged sites of the four major rivers of Punjab, Pakistan
Experimental research on the effect of slope morphology on bank collapse in mountain reservoir
Household-level disaster-induced losses and rural-urban migration: experience from world's one of the most disaster-affected countries
Modeling coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures: effect of slide rheology, experimental validation, and case studies off the US East Coast
Modeling disruptions causing domino effects in urban guided transport systems faced by flood hazards
Robustness of road systems to extreme flooding: using elements of GIS, travel demand, and network science
The contribution of satellite SAR-derived displacement measurements in landslide risk management practices