Detection of deception with fMRI: Are we there yet?
Effects of personality, interrogation techniques and plausibility in an experimental false confession paradigm
Halfe the world knowes not how the other halfe lies: Investigation of verbal and non-verbal signs of deception exhibited by criminal offenders and non-offenders
Human rights is not enough: The need for demonstrating efficacy of an ethical approach to interviewing in India
Is there a magical time boundary for diagnosing eyewitness identification accuracy in sequential line-ups?
Keeping the PEACE? A study of investigative interviewing practices in the public sector
Playing Devil's advocate†: The case against fMRI lie detection
Sexual fantasy in paedophile offenders: Can any model explain satisfactorily new findings from a study of Internet and contact sexual offenders?
The cognitive interview: Inexperienced police officers' perceptions of their witness/victim interviewing practices
Validity in judgments of high- and low-accurate witnesses of own and other ethnic groups