"Indianism" and the "Richardson Indian Culturalization Test"
"Substitution," "restraint" and "reduction" during the Manitoba beer and liquor strikes of 1978
Alcohol consumption and liver cirrhosis mortality: the Netherlands, 1950-78
Alcohol misuse, the family and alcoholism programs: some suggested strategies of intervention
Alcohol-related mortality and alcohol consumption statistics: stability of estimates for small areas
Alcoholism treatment in a medical setting
Costs of comprehensive alcoholism care for 100 patients over 4 years
Extensive users of alcohol among college students
Life satisfaction and drinking practices in the Boston metropolitan area
Movement therapy for alcoholic patients
Religious affiliation and abstinence; a fifteen-year change
Sober comportment: patterns and perspectives on alcohol addiction
Sociobiology and informal social controls of drinking: findings from two charismatic sects
The MacAndrew scale: a measure of the diagnosis of alcoholism
The physical disease characteristics of inpatient alcoholics