A self-administered Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST)
Adolescent development and the onset of drinking. A longitudinal study
Alcoholism and abstinence among relatives of American Indian alcoholics
Attempted suicide in alcoholics and drug addicts
Behavior theraphy in alcoholism. A critical review of broad-spectrum approaches
Control orientation in alcoholics related to extent of treatment
DRL responding by rats during initial and prolonged alcohol administration
Effects of alcohol on a Critical Tracking Task
Effects of ethanol and ethionine on DNA synthesis during experimental liver regeneration
Fatal crashes among Michigan youth following reduction of the legal drinking age
Item analysis of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
Personality differences in patients at three alcoholism treatment agencies
Probability of arrest while driving under the influence of alcohol
Self-evaluation of performance and the ability to discriminate blood alcohol concentrations
Social mobility and alcoholism a comparison of alcholics with their fathers and brothers