A randomized controlled trial of the web-based drinking diary program for problem drinking in multi workplace settings
Comparative analyses of occupational injuries among temporary agency worker and direct contract workers: findings from the Korea Health Panel 2009-2018
Mental health and wellbeing of seafaring personnel during COVID-19: scoping review
Prevalence, characteristics, and consequences of verbal and physical violence against healthcare staff in Chinese hospitals during 2010-2020
Temporary employment and suicidal ideation in COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a cross-sectional nationwide survey
The effect of a multicomponent intervention on occupational fall-related factors in older workers: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Working hours, side work, and depressive symptoms in physicians: a nationwide cross-sectional study in Japan
Workplace bullying and tiredness at work: a cross-lagged prospective study of causal directions and the moderating effects of a conflict management climate