Association between handgun purchase and mortality from firearm injury
Bias in estimates of seat belt effectiveness
Children's response to a commercial back-up warning device
Discrepancy between actual and estimated speeds of drivers in the presence of child pedestrians
Expanding the precautionary principle
Family characteristics and pedestrian injury risk in Mexican children
How much science is there in injury prevention and control?
Injuries and death of children in rollover motor vehicle crashes in the United States
Injury prevention attitudes and awareness in New Zealand
Injury prevention: blurring the distinctions between home and work
Misclassification of seat belt use
Nail gun injuries in residential carpentry: lessons from active injury surveillance
Predictors and severity of injury in assaults with barglasses and bottles
Seatbelt legislation in Japan: high risk driver mortality and seatbelt use
Seatbelt use by high school students
Seismic, structural, and individual factors associated with earthquake related injury
Socioeconomic variation in injury in children and older people: a population based study
Studying "exposure" to firearms: household ownership v access
Suicide among North Carolina women, 1989-93: information from two data sources
Unintentional fatal injuries arising from unpaid work at home