Biomechanical analysis of skull fractures after uncontrolled hanging release
Breath alcohol elimination rate as a function of age, gender, and drinking practice
Effect of laundering on visible damage to apparel fabric caused by sharp force impact
Electrothermic damage to the nail due to arcing in high-voltage discharge
Female sexual homicide offenders: An analysis of the offender racial profiles in offending process
Forensic analysis of ocular injuries during the 2011 revolution in Egypt
Homicide-suicides compared to homicides and suicides: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Incremental conditions of isolation as a predictor of suicide in prisoners
Markers of acidosis and stress in a sprint versus a conducted electrical weapon
Postmortem 3-D reconstruction of skull gunshot injuries
Review of population based coroners autopsy findings in Rivers state of Nigeria
Suicide among male prisoners in France: A prospective population-based study
Survival time estimation using Injury Severity Score (ISS) in homicide cases