A transnasal intracranial stab wound by a plastic-covered umbrella tip
Analysis of microtraces in invasive traumas using SEM/EDS
Clozapine: A dangerous drug in a clozapine-naïve subject
Country made scare gun vs. air gun: A comparative study of terminal ballistics using gelatine blocks
In vitro production of GHB in blood and serum samples under various storage conditions
Phosphide poisoning: A review of literature
Serious head injury in young children: Birth trauma versus non-accidental head injury
Serum biochemical markers in drowning: Diagnostic efficacy of Strontium and other trace elements
Suicide by multiple blunt head traumatisation using a stone
The epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Italy: A newspaper study from 1985 to 2008
Traumatic bilateral vertebral artery dissection
Variable adverse effects in subjects after ingestion of equal doses of Argyreia nervosa seeds