A polysomnographic study of morning and afternoon sleep quality during simulated night shift work
Adaptation to permanent night work: the number of consecutive work nights and motivated choice
Advancing versus delaying shift systems
Burnout of female and male nurses in shiftwork
Day- and shiftworkers' leisure time
Dissecting circadian performance rhythms: implications for shiftwork
Does the 'forbidden zone' for sleep onset influence morning shift sleep duration?
Gender, ageing, and shiftwork intolerance
Have we underestimated shiftworkers' problems? Evidence from a 'reminiscence' study
Individual differences in tolerance to shiftwork: a review
Locomotive engineers and their spouses: coffee consumption, mood, and sleep reports
Night shift dose and stress at work
Predicting mood change on night shift
The after-effects of night work on short-term memory performance
The prediction of the adaptation of circadian rhythms to rapid time zone changes
Trends in approaches to night and shiftwork and new international standards