A survey of injuries among Broadway performers
Accidents and acts of God: a history of the terms
Burn-related physical impairments and disabilities in Ghanaian children: prevalence and risk factors
Capodanno Senza Danno: the effects of an intervention program on fireworks injuries in Naples
Homicide risk among immigrants in California, 1970 through 1992
Injuries among inner-city minority women: a population-based longitudinal study
Motorcycle helmet use and injury outcome and hospitalization costs from crashes in Washington State
Occupational injury mortality rates in the United States: changes from 1980 to 1989
Patterns in US medical expenditures and utilization for injury, 1987
Preventing injuries from violence towards women
Rape is a major public health issue
The effect of walking on lower body disability among older blacks and whites
The effects of a 4-year program promoting bicycle helmet use among children in Quebec
The high cost of injuries in the United States
Violence and injury in marital arguments: risk patterns and gender differences
Why are most drowning victims men? Sex differences in aquatic skills and behaviors