A community's response to suicide through public art: stakeholder perspectives from the Finding the Light Within Project
Adolescent sexual assault disclosure: the impact of peers, families, and schools
Collective efficacy as a task specific process: examining the relationship between social ties, neighborhood cohesion and the capacity to respond to violence, delinquency and civic problems
Council-based approaches to intimate partner violence: evidence for distal change in the system response
Disaster impact across cultural groups: Comparison of Whites, African Americans, and Latinos
Inadequate housing among families under investigation for child abuse and neglect: prevalence from a national probability sample
Measuring collective efficacy among children in community-based afterschool programs: exploring pathways toward prevention and positive youth development
Neighborhood crime and school climate as predictors of elementary school academic quality: a cross-lagged panel analysis
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) and Elementary School Aged Children's Aggression: Results from a Cluster Randomized Trial