A sociobiological approach to cross-national variations in violence rates
Aggression and symbolization in infancy
Aggression replacement training: Rational, procedures and efficacy evaluations
Alcohol and human male physical aggression
Androgens, aggressiveness, and stress in the human male
Anger and interest in video violence
Antecedent events as contributors to the escalation of aggression
Behavioral and neurochemical effects of thymopentin: an immunoprotein fragment
Child abuse in cross-cultural perspective: a comparison of North American and Israeli research
Constitutive elements of the concept of human aggression
Current treatments in impulse control -- pitfalls and problems
Dating violence in the UK: a preliminary study
Dependency, conflict and aggression
Desensitization to mass media sexual violence -- effects and interventions
Detection and description of assaults in psychiatric inpatients
Determinants of spouse abuse: an israeli perspective
Early aggressive reactions: observational research
Effects of combat and oral glucose administration on mood changes in judo fighters
Effects of viewing videos containing elements of destruction or violence
Eltoprazine - a specific anti-aggressive drug (serenic) in animal aggression models
Emotional susceptibility and self-discrepancies as predictors of aggressive reactions
Ethological aspects of agonistic behavior
Ethopharmacological evaluation of different extracts from medicinal plants
Evidence for a general construct of aggression
Experimental and clinical studies of anti-aggressive drugs
Factors controlling predatory aggression in animals
Family background and antisocial behavior in adolescence
Frustration and successful vs unsuccessful aggression: a test of Berkowitz completion hypothesis
Frustration-aggression hypothesis as concept of naive psychology
Functions of amygdala and hypothalamus in the organization of agonistic interactions
Gene technology -- between aggression and altruism
Girls manipulate, boys fight: gender differences in aggressiveness during adolescence
Hormonal changes in response to competitive fighting in human males
How safe is home? an analysis of homicide statistics in England and Wales 1982-1986
Individual aggression, international aggression, and the building of trust
Is suicidal behavior autoaggressive?
Measuring precursors of aggression
Media violence -- whats the attraction?
Modeling and accountability in group aggression
Neurosteroids: biochemical, physiological and behavioral aspects
Police intervention in marital violence
Police response to spousal violence in Israel -- some preliminary findings
Predictive significance of childhood aggression for type-A behavior in adolescence
Preliminary meta-analytic review of the EEG in criminals
Prognostic identification of violent mother-child relationships
R/K -- towards a theory of human racial differences in agression control
Recent strategies and basic results of etho-pharmacological aggression research in the USSR
Social roles and aspirations of bullies and victims
Social skills intervention and the aggressive child -- an impossible dream
Socialization and motivation of aggression: conceptual considerations and empirical findings
Some factors affecting the escalation of human aggression
Some possible biological markers in aggressive psychopaths
Studies on genetic influences on aggression
Tamoxifen: an activator or inhibitor of intermale aggression
Targets and decision points in the comparative-analysis of the tactics of fighting
Terrorism and the international community
The aggression approval in bullies and victims
The application of the frustration aggression hypothesis to various levels of violent behavior
The effects of depressants and stimulants on human aggressive behavior
The paradoxes of male aggression
The positive role of anger in consciousness development
The predictive power of pro-social behavior for disruptive kindergarten boys
The relationship between pornography and the physical (nonsexual) abuse of women
The role of mother-child identification in the television violence viewing aggression relation
The role of parental behavior in the development of aggression in children
Violent crime and its relation to subjective social stress indicators: the case of Israel
Violent fantasies: an obstacle to the treatment of aggressive children in therapeutic communities
Wife assault, marital rape, and homicide in Canada and Australia