A note on modeling vehicle accident frequencies with random-parameters count models
Age-related differences in visual scanning at median-divided highway intersections in rural areas
Alcohol and drugs in fatally and non-fatally injured motor vehicle drivers in northern Sweden
Analytical HFACS for investigating human errors in shipping accidents
Benchmarking road safety: Lessons to learn from a data envelopment analysis
Correcting erroneous crash locations in transportation safety analysis
Driver-initiated distractions: Examining strategic adaptation for in-vehicle task initiation
Driving while conversing: cell phones that distract and passengers who react
Effects of road lighting: An analysis based on Dutch accident statistics 1987-2006
Exploring precrash maneuvers using classification trees and random forests
Interactions between rail and road safety in Great Britain
Misclassification of injury severity among road casualties in police reports
Navigational conversation impairs concurrent distance judgments
Non-collision injuries in urban buses -- strategies for prevention
Risk factors for a farm vehicle public road crash
The role of risk-propensity in the risky driving of younger drivers
Using the Attention Network Test to predict driving test scores